
Talk given at the 2019 NASA Human Research Program (HRP) Investigator's Workshop held in Galveston Texas, January 22-25, 2019


Talk given at the 2019 NASA Human Research Program (HRP) Investigator's Workshop held in Galveston, Texas, January 22-25, 2019. Concerns synergy theory methods applied to simulated galactic cosmic ray (GCR) mixed-field radiation. Demonstrates the use of incremental effect additivity (IEA) to screen for synergy or antagonism in mixed radiation field effects.






Supported by NASA NNJ16HP22I, DOE contract # DE-AC02-05CH11231 with the US Department of Energy, and the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program at the University of California, Berkeley.


Huang EG, Ham DW, Lin Y, Wang S, Zhao L, Zhang Y, Blakely EA, Chang PY, & Sachs RK. (2019) Synergy theory: murine Harderian gland tumors and in vitro chromosome aberrations induced by exposure to mixed beams with some high-LET components. Talk given at: 2019 NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop; Jan 22 - 25; Galveston, Texas, USA.