
A simple coding challenge for Geospatial backend development using GeoJSON

Backend GIS Challenge

A simple coding challenge for Geospatial backend development using GeoJSON


Write a backend REST application with a single POST endpoint /calculate_properties to calculate Geojson Feature properties and return them to the user.

  • Accept a plain Geojson Feature (Polygon or Multipolygon).
  • Return it back to the user with properties and bbox added, following GeoJSON standards for response format.
  • The following properties should be included in the response:
    • area in sq meters
    • centroid
  • Python 3.10+ must be used.
  • Instructions should be provided for an evaluator to:
    • Run the app locally and exercise the endpoint.
    • Run any automated tests locally.
  • Code should be in a git-clonable repo.

How the challenge will be evaluated

  • Code will be subjectively evaluated as per a normal Code Review for quality.
  • Simple, valid requests should work locally.
  • Automated tests should run locally and pass.
  • Do not focus on edge cases or handling invalid inputs.
  • Write code that you feel is production-quality in terms of
    • Cleanliness
    • Organization
    • Automated Testing

Suggested completion time is 1-4 hours.