
R-package that contains a function for logistic model performance (logitmp)

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


R-package that contains a function for logistic model performance (logitmp)



Use Case

Compare performance measures of multiple logistic regression models (class: 'glm'). It is also possible to use a single model as input.

Example Output

See the helpfile to recompute the following example for the iris dataset.

> logitmp(list(iris_model_petal, iris_model_sepal), color = TRUE, abbreviations = FALSE)
                         iris_model_petal iris_model_sepal
predicted and actual -                 38               26
predicted + but actual -                2               14
predicted - but actual +                3               12
predicted and actual +                 42               33
sample number                          85               85
 CONTINGENCY TABLE (percentual) 
                         iris_model_petal iris_model_sepal
predicted and actual -               44.7               31
predicted + but actual -              2.4               16
predicted - but actual +              3.5               14
predicted and actual +               49.4               39
                        iris_model_petal iris_model_sepal
degrees of freedom                 2.000            2.000
prevalence                         0.529            0.529
null deviance                    117.541          117.541
residual deviance                 17.783           96.617
difference in deviance           -99.758          -20.924
AIC                               23.783          102.617
overdispersion factor              0.217            1.178
odds ratio                       266.000            5.107
misclassification rate             0.059            0.306
tcr (accuracy)                     0.941            0.694
tpr (sensitivity)                  0.933            0.733
tnr (specifity)                    0.950            0.650
tpa (precision)                    0.955            0.702
tna (inverse precision)            0.927            0.684
fpr (fallout)                      0.050            0.350
fnr (miss rate)                    0.067            0.267
dice (F-measure)                   0.944            0.717
jaccard                            0.894            0.559
Informedness (TSS)                 0.883            0.383
Markedness                         0.881            0.386
Hoslem p-value                     0.996            0.249
NMI                                0.321            0.890
kappa                              0.882            0.384
Nagelkerke R²                      0.922            0.291
AUC                                0.995            0.774
 NOTE: For further information choose option "annotations = TRUE" 


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