
Dublin calendar the latest spaghetti creation. Keep record of events in a calendar without an entire calender being shoved to the screen. Shows events, dates and descriptions. CRUD operations are possible. Deployed in Heroku with postgres

Primary LanguageHTML

forthebadge made-with-python


NOTE : for project tasks look here Project!!

This is Dublin calendar the latest spaghetti creation..

Keep record of events in a calendar without an entire calender being shoved to the screen. Shows events, dates and descriptions. Deployed in Heroku with postgres

CRUD operations are possible.

Nothing fancy here move on

wanna show others how busy you are .

Use the share calender to send links bhhhaamm!.

Still lot to impliment :(.

How to run app locally

Here are the steps to properly run the application:

  • Create conda environment → "conda create --name calender_app=3.7"
  • Activate the environment → "conda activate calender_app"
  • Go inside the project folder there should be a "requiments.txt"
  • Run → "pip install -r requirments.txt"
  • Now navigate to 'dublin_calender/dublin_calender/' on your terminal, you should now be able to see the manage.py file
  • In terminal run following command "python manage.py makemigrations"
  • Now run following command "python manage.py migrate"
  • Finally run "python manage.py runserver" This will run the server go to the link being shown in terminal and the App should work
  • Create super user using → "python manage.py createsuperuser"