
PhoneGap Template with a kit of Tools and commands for scafolding pages made with ES6

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Template App

Phonegap template for create projects with npm libraries that uses ES6 Features (JavaScript)


  • git clone git@github.com:saczuac/phonegap-es6-kit.git
  • mv phonegap-template project-name
  • cd project-name
  • git remote rm origin => Change origin to the remote repo
  • Edit package.json =>
    • name => Must be sluggable name like: hello-world
    • description
    • author
  • Edit config.xml =>
    • widget => id="change.me.please"
    • <name>
    • <description>
    • <author>


  • npm start => Executes build of the /src folder: Creates index.js and index.js.map file into www/js/ folder
  • npm run build-android => Executes build for android platform
  • Plug device via USB
  • adb devices => If this command shows your device plugged then last step:
  • cordova run android --device


  • ./template create-page -t "hello" => Creates the file Hello.js and Hello.css in ./src/pages/Hello/ folder (creates it if it does not exists in the filesystem)
  • When you create a page with the previuos command you must:
    • Set this page in "config.js" file (var pages), e.g.:
const Config = {
    init() {
    	this.serverUrl = 'http://localhost:8000' // URL where server app is running
    	this.timeout = 3 // Number of seconds before a timeout function is triggered
    	this.connTries = 3
    	this.validStorage = 1800 //Number of seconds the caché storage from APIs is valid
    	this.resources = [ // Resources to binding the APIs
    		// 'resources',
    		// 'from',
    		// 'server',

        this.pages = [ // The name of page must be the same of the folder and the js page file, example if you put 'Search' as a page here, module will lookup for pages/Search/Search.js
            'Hello', //Here!!!!

        this.search = false
        this.hasNotifications = false // If has notifications this app will trigger the notifications API
        this.aside = true // shows menu aside
        this.lockOrientation = true // Lock orientation of device or not
        this.productionJSPath = '/home/app/template-app/build' // Path to build assets "npm run build:production"
        this.recordsPerPage = 2 // Paginator Conf

export default Config
+ Set the reference to this page in the "./src/pages/index.js" file like the above:
import Home from 'pages/Home/Home';
import Menu from 'pages/Menu/Menu';
import Table from 'pages/Table/Table';
import Search from 'pages/Search/Search';
import Hello from 'pages/Hello/Hello';

export default {