This is the Striver's TCS NQT Sheet, all the contents in this repository has been taken from that sheet, I have solely made this repository for revisions.
Credits: takeuforward | Striver (Raj Vikramaditya)
S. No | Notes | Article |
1 | Find the smallest number in an array | Link |
2 | Find the largest number in an array | Link |
3 | Second smallest & Second Largest Element in an array | Link |
4 | Reverse a given array | Link |
5 | Count frequency of each element in an array | Link |
6 | Rearrage array in increasing decreasing order | Link |
7 | Calculate sum of the elements of the array | Link |
8 | Rotate array by K elements | Link |
9 | Average of all elements in an array | Link |
10 | Find the median of the given array | Link |
11 | Remove duplicates from a sorted array | Link |
12 | Remove duplicated from unsorted array | Link |
13 | Adding element in an array | Link |
14 | Find all repeating elements in an array | Link |
15 | Find all non-repeating elements in an array | Link |
16 | Find all symmetric pairs in an array | Link |
17 | Maximum product subarray in an array | Link |
18 | Replace each element of the array by its rank in the array | Link |
19 | Sorting elements of an array by frequency | Link |
20 | Rotation of elements of array left and right | Link |
21 | Finding equilibrium index of an array | Link |
22 | Finding circular rotations of an array by K positions | Link |
23 | Sort an array according to the order defined by another array | Link |
24 | Search an element in an array | Link |
25 | Check if array is a subset of another array or not | Link |