
  1. Laravel Setup:

    • Start a new Laravel project, configured for local development.

Solution: -Download XAMPP, Composer -Laravel Project Creation Command: "composer create-project laravel/laravel inventory-management-sys-app" -start local server Command: "php artisan serve "

  1. Database Design:

    • Utilize a MySQL database.

    • Create a products table with fields: id, name, quantity, and price.

    • Include simple seeders for initial data loading.

Solution: - open xampp and start apache and mysql - create database in "localhost/phpmyadmin/" - database name: db_imscrud - Go to .env -> change DB_DATABASE=db_imscrud - Generate migration command:" php artisan make:migration create_product_table " - Go to file create_product_table-> add the fields/column name - Update table Command: " php artisan migrate " - Seeder creating command: " php artisan make:seeder ProductsTableSeeder " - After updating , populate the data in the database " php artisan db:seed "

  1. Product Management:

    • Implement CRUD operations for the products.

    • Provide functionality to add, view, update, and delete product details.

    • Include basic form validation.

  2. User Interface:

    • Develop the front-end using Laravel Blade.

    • Ensure the UI is simple and user-friendly for product management.

Solution: -Click Add New -> to add new product and save it with Save button -Click View -> to see the product details -Click Edit -> to update the product details -Click Delete -> to delete the file

  1. Authentication:

    • Set up a basic authentication system.


-Authentication command: php artisan auth
  1. Routing and Controllers:

    • Efficiently utilize Laravel routing and controllers.

    • Follow RESTful principles as applicable.

Soution: -created ProductController and updated it -

Solution: - Create Controller Command:" php artisan make:Controller ProductController --resource " - Create Model Command:" php artisan make:model Product " - Specify the table name, primary key and fillable column of the table in the model - change functions in controller