
Developed API using ExpressJS, testing using SuperTest and mocha framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ExpressJS API Framework


NodeJs VSCode

Getting Started:

Clone Repository

1. git clone https://github.com/sadabnepal/expressJs-framework.git
2. Navigate to `expressJs-framework`

Install the dependencies:

npm install

API Details

BaseURL: http://localhost:5000
GET: /users
POST: /users (with payload)
PATCH: /users/:id (with payload)
DELETE: /users/:id

Start server:

npm run devStart [ only for developement ]
npm start

Run tests:

npm test

Folder structure

|    ├───app
|    |    ├───controllers
|    |    ├───routes
|    |    └───index.js
|    ├───helper
|    ├───static
|    └───tests
|         ├───config
|         ├───payload
|         └───specs

Test report
