Simple Weather App

This weather application leverages the OpenWeather API to provide current weather updates for cities around the globe. It features a minimalistic user interface that includes a home screen for searching cities and a settings page to toggle temperature units.

Getting Started


  • Dart SDK
  • Flutter SDK
  • An API key from OpenWeather

Environment Setup

The app uses the envied package for handling environment variables. It requires code generation to generate env.g.dart. Follow the steps below to set up your environment:

  1. Configure Environment Variables:

    Create a .env file at the root level of the project and add your OpenWeather API key as follows:


    Replace your_api_key_here with your actual OpenWeather API key.

  2. Generate env.g.dart:

    Run the following command in your terminal:

    dart run build_runner build

App Screens

Home Screen

  • Search Functionality: The home screen features a text input for searching the weather by city name. By default, the input is empty, and the app initially displays the weather for London.
  • Weather Information: Displays the weather details for the chosen city.
  • Refresh Button: A button at the bottom allows users to refresh the weather information.
  • Settings Access: An icon on the right side of the app bar navigates to the settings page.

Settings Page

  • Temperature Unit Display: Shows the currently active temperature unit (Celsius or Fahrenheit).
  • Toggle Button: Allows users to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature units.