SCHOOL - ROYAL COLLEGE COLOMBO Physics Simulator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physics Simulator simulates a 2D physics environment. You can draw whatever you like using the tools provided in the tool-box. All your drawings acts in a realistic manner according to the laws of physics. You can use advance features like 'joints' also. Draw in a world where your drawings will act like if they were in the real world. You can simulate physics consepts ( such as how the bigger objects show more resistance to forces) using the application. Create working models for demonstrations. Technologies used in creation of the app ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eclipse Java Android API Andengine library box2d library Ubuntu 14.04 PLEASE WATCH THE DEMO VIDEO INCLUDED. INSTALL THE apk FILE IN AN ANDROID DEVICE TO RUN. We are working on the reset button which is not working as expected. PLEASE IMPORT ALL THE PROJECTS IN THE CHAINS FOLDER. THE SUBFOLDER 'CHAINS' IN MAIN FOLDER CHAINS CONTAINS THE SOURCE CODE. HOWEVER THE OTHER PROJECTS SHOULD ALSO BE INCLUDED AND BE MARKED AS 'LIBRARY' FOR THE PROJECT CHAINS. contact no - 0774958533 - sadeep
A physics simulator for android demonstrating the capabilities of Box2D physics engine