
Primary LanguageJava

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eCar company is going to introduce new way pricing in their new, successful backoffice supporting electric vehicles charging network.


  • Ability to define and calculate a price via API.
  • A price definition will contain price per minute and can be defined for specific duration, e.g. one price before noon and different one afternoon
  • A calculation input will contain start and end datetime of charging process and customer id
  • For VIP customers we will grant 10% discount
  • An application should be able to be launched from command line with single command like "java –jar...."
  • A solution should require no additional software to be installed except for JRE 8


  • Price definition can have a time range, but it is not required.
  • If price definition does not have a time specified, it is assumed it applies all day long 00:00 - 23:59:59 and becomes default price
  • Only one default price can be defined
  • If price definition is fully defined (has time range) then it has priority before default one
  • System rejects a price definition if there is already price in the system which overlaps with the new one
  • We always want to earn money, so if there is no customer in our repository we treat him as standard one
  • System is in the same time zone than the customer


There are two types of charge computation algorithms. One creates a daily map with prices. The other one computes a charge using joda overlaps method. Default is the second one. You can easily change it using Togglz console

Additional methods

  • Price and customers can be deleted
  • Price and customers can be listed


System is continually delivered to Azure. It can be reached at eCar It has SwaggerUI for a user friendly testing and Togglz console to easily change calculation algorithm.