
Matrix multiply code

requirement : Java 8

For the sake of simplicity matrices are square.

Matrix1 - slow matrix multiply implementation Matrix2 - multithreaded matrix multiply implementation.

Multithreaded matrix mul calculator is implemented in an old (java 6) way with a standard Executor pool ( no ForkJoinPool is used), and standard queue for futures results (no CompletionService is used).

The first time I worked with manual implemented matrix code. I skipped JavaDocs and most tests.

Test/dev machine: 6 cores CPU 5.0Ghz 32 GB RAM

Speed results for matrix with size = 10000 Matrix1 : Matrix2


  • add simple test multiplier (to understand the area and raise an exp)
  • add multithreaded multiplier (the main test requirement)
  • add tests for big matrix calculations and provide a result data on speed for both ways
  • refactor Matrix1, Matrix2 classes with BaseClass to remove code duplication
  • refactor multithreaded code with better performance (based on test results)