
XMPP adapter for the Lita chat bot

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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lita-xmpp is an adapter for Lita that allows you to use the robot with a XMPP / Jabber server.

It has been forked from the lita-hipchat adapter, to use it with a regular XMPP server, and avoid all the HipChat specific handling.


Add lita-xmpp to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem 'lita-xmpp'


These config settings are basically the same as you would put into your regular XMPP/Jabber client. A usual JID (Jabber ID) looks like mr_bot@jabber.example.com.

Required attributes

  • jid (String) - The JID of your robot's XMPP account.
  • password (String) - The password for your robot's XMPP account.

Optional attributes

  • server (String) - The XMPP Server address. Override this if the bot has to connect to a specific host. Default: your JIDs hostname part
  • debug (Boolean) - If true, turns on the underlying Jabber library's (xmpp4r) logger, which is fairly verbose. Default: false.
  • DEPRECATED - rooms (Symbol, Array) - An array of room JIDs that Lita should join upon connection. Can also be the symbol :all, which will cause Lita to discover and join all rooms. Default: nil (no rooms).
  • muc_domain (String) - The XMPP Multi-User Chat domain to use. Default: conference.<yourserver>.
  • ignore_unknown_users (Boolean) - TODO: review this Default: false.

There's no need to set config.robot.mention_name manually. The adapter will set the name to the username part of its JID.


Lita.configure do |config|
  config.robot.name = "Lita Bot"
  config.robot.adapter = :xmpp
  config.adapters.xmpp.jid = "lita@jabber.example.com"
  config.adapters.xmpp.password = "secret"
  config.adapters.xmpp.debug = true
  config.adapters.xmpp.rooms = :all


  • :connected - When the robot has connected to XMPP. No payload.
  • :disconnected - When the robot has disconnected from XMPP. No payload.
  • :joined - When the robot joins a room. Payload: :room: The String room ID that was joined.
  • :parted - When the robot parts from a room. Payload: :room: The String room ID that was parted from.

Managing rooms


To make Lita join or part from rooms, use the built-in join and part commands. For backwards compatibility, the rooms configuration attribute will be supported until lita-xmpp 4.0, but you should remove it and begin using the new command instead. If the configuration attribute is set, lita-xmpp will honor its value and join those rooms instead of the ones persisted to Redis from using the new commands.
