
A simple external bomb-timer for CS:GO, written in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


A simple external bomb-timer for CS:GO, written in Python. You will not get vacced using this, because it uses Valve's public gamestate integration.


A simple video demo

Click image to see a small clip of GoTimer in action.

How to use

To download the code/program, either press download on the top of this page, or git clone the repo.

You need Python 3, along with the following Python packages (pip install package-name)

  • Flask
  • Tkinter (if not installed)
  • Requests

You also need to place the gamestate_integration_go_timer.cfg from the listener folder in your cfg folder. The path is typically X:\PATH_TO_STEAM\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg .

With these in place, simply launch go_timer.py ("python go_timer.py") and start the game. You can also start the timer after the game has been launched.

To test that it works like it should, you can try planting the bomb in an offline game vs bots, in competitive mode.

For Windows users, here's a more detailed how-to:

  1. Install python 3.5 (or atleast 3.x)
  2. Check that it's working by opening up a cmd and writing python -V. It should print the python version
  3. If you installed it, but writing python -V does not work, it is not in the path. Google "put python in path windows" to fix.
  4. Put the cfg in the listener folder in your own cfg folder
  5. Install flask, tkinter and requests. You do this by:
  6. In cmd, write pip install flask
  7. In cmd, write pip install tkinter (it is probably already installed)
  8. in cmd, write pip install requests
  9. Go to the GoTimer folder and double-click the run_go_timer.bat file. A timer window should appear.

For Ubuntu users, here's a more detailed how-to:

Credits to testiclopz for this how-to. It is assumed that python3 is already installed.

  1. Open up the terminal, and write the following
  2. sudo apt-get install python-pip
  3. sudo apt-get install python-flask
  4. sudo apt-get install python3-tk
  5. pip install requests
  6. Unzip the folder from github anywhere you want
  7. Place the gamestate_integration_go_timer.cfg from the listener folder into your cfg folder. The path is typically ~/.steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/cfg
  8. Use the terminal, and make sure that your current directory is in the unzipped folder
  9. Type python3 go_timer.py to launch the program


The GameState-listener is inspired by csgo-c4-hue.

I also got some valuable tips from the Quick Start guide to CS:GO Game State Integration.

Lastly, a shout-out to Double0negative for being the first (?) to do this.