
Introduction to Elasticsearch Training

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Introduction to Elasticsearch

This is a practical introduction to elasticsearch. It contains basic examples and exercises to get started.


You will need a couple tools to complete the practical exercises, choose one of the two options to set up your environment.

The presentation slides can be found here

Using docker (recommended)

  1. Install docker(if not already installed): official doc
  2. Excecute ./auto/start.sh (or docker-compose up -d in Windows)
  3. Verify elasticsearch is running:curl localhost:9200
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:5601 in your browser to verify that kibana is running

To stop elasticsearch just run ./auto/stop.sh

Install on your machine

If you choose not to follow the recommended installation.

  1. Find version 7.2.0 for Elasticsearch and Kibana
  2. Follow the installation instructions - Elasticserch - Kibana