
Rails Modern UI Starter Template

Primary LanguageRuby


Rails Modern UI Starter Template


Quick Install

git clone https://github.com/sadikay/rails-modern-ui.git

Setup From Zero

Create Rails App

rails new rails_modern_app --skip-coffee --skip-sprockets --skip-turbolinks --webpack --database=mysql -T

Browser Config

Process your code to be cross-browser compliant

touch .browserslistrc

and add and add a single line: > 1%


# config/application.rb
 config.generators do |g|
   g.test_framework  false
   g.stylesheets     false
   g.javascripts     false
   g.helper          false
   g.channel         assets: false

Frontend Config

  • Remove the app/assets folder.
  • Move javascript folder from app/javascript to root dir and rename it to frontend. Make sure the path frontend/packs/application.js exist.
  • Go to application.html.erb and replace javascript_include_tag "application" with javascript_pack_tag "application"
  • Replace stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all' with stylesheet_pack_tag 'application'
  • Go To config/webpacker.yml and configure source_path: frontend line.

Install Haml

Add this line to Gemfile and bundle.

gem "haml-rails", "~> 1.0"

Convert erb to haml with:

rails generate haml:application_layout convert

HAML_RAILS_DELETE_ERB=true rake haml:erb2haml

Controller Config

Tell frontend path to controller:

 # app/controllers/application_controller.rb
 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   protect_from_forgery with: :exception
   prepend_view_path Rails.root.join("frontend")

Starting Dev Server

  • touch Procfile and put inside
 server: bin/rails server
 assets: bin/webpack-dev-server
  • Install hivemind and configure it.

  • Run rake db:create && rake db:migrate

