
Spark High Order SVD

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Spark High Order SVD

Build Status Coverage Status


Small library for Apache Spark to compute unfolding/folding/HOSVD for distributed 3rd order tensor.


Spark version spark-hosvd latest version
1.6.x 0.1.0
2.2.x 0.2.0

Building From Source

This library is built using sbt, to build a JAR file simply run sbt package from project root.


Run sbt test from project root.


Import jar into spark-shell or add dependency in main jar for spark-submit. Use import com.github.sadikovi.spark.hosvd._ to import all building blocks for tensor. I recommend to check out available methods in the code and tests for different usage.


Scala API

Unfolding tensor

import com.github.sadikovi.spark.hosvd._

val entries: Dataset[TensorEntry] = ...
val tensor = new DistributedTensor(entries, 4, 3, 2)
val result = tensor.unfold(UnfoldDirection.A1)
val matrix: CoordinateMatrix =

Folding matrix

Tensor folding by providing unfold direction and actual tensor dimensions to fold into.

val matrix: CoordinateMatrix = ...
val block = CoordinateBlock(matrix.entries.toDS, matrix.numRows, matrix.numCols)
val tensor = DistributedTensor.fold(block, UnfoldDirection.A1, 4, 3, 2)


High-order SVD by providing desired dimensions for core tensor (singular values to keep).

val tensor = new DistributedTensor(entries, 4, 3, 2)
val result = tensor.hosvd(2, 2, 2)
val core = result.coreTensor