My Personal Identity HNGx App

A mobile application that prominently features my Slack identity, incorporates my Slack profile picture, and includes an “Open GitHub” button. When pressed, this button should utilize a WebView component to redirect users to my GitHub profile within the application itself.

Key Features

  1. Slack Name: The application’s main screen prominently displays my Slack name.

  2. Display Picture: Integrates my Slack display picture onto the main screen, ensuring it’s clear and of high quality.

  3. Open GitHub Button: Adds a button labeled “Open GitHub” to the main screen. When pressed, it correctly redirects users to my GitHub profile using a WebView component within the application.

Try It Live

Experience the app in action by clicking the link below:

Open the App on

Please note that the app is designed to work on various devices with a minimum SDK version of 19. Adjust the device and SDK version accordingly.

Installation Guide

To run this project on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your device:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder.

    cd hng_task1
  3. Install project dependencies.

    flutter pub get
  4. Run the app.

    flutter run


Before running this project, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Flutter and Dart SDKs are installed on your system.

Flutter Packages Used

This project leverages the following Flutter packages:


This project is not licensed under the any of the open source license.

f2bb90d (Initial commit)