
SQL & PL SQL Program

  1. Addition of 2 numbers
  2. Fibonacci
  3. GCD of a number
  4. Area of circle
  5. Prime numbers from 1 - 100
  6. Even - Odd
  7. Factorial
  8. Fibonacci Series using Procedure
  9. Inline function of addition of 2 numbers
  10. Input from user and find the factorial
  11. Largest of 2
  12. Largest of 3
  13. Maximum of 2 numbers using procedure
  14. Maximum of 3 numbers using procedure
  15. Prime Number
  16. Prime Number Table
  17. Print 2's table till 10
  18. Good Morning
  19. Hello World
  20. Hello World using Goto
  21. Factorial using Procedure
  22. Reverse of a number
  23. Print Hello World using Procedure
  24. Square of first 5 number