
A basic Fabric file. Mostly giving myself something to work off of later.

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


A basic and very generic Fabric file. Mostly giving myself something to work off of for later.

Available commands:

aptinstall  Install a package with apt-get install
aptremove   Remove a package using apt
aptupdate   Run apt-update
aptupgrade  Run apt-get upgrade. Be sure to run apt-get update with aptupdate first
chmod       Run chmod on file
chown       Chown a file
chuser      Change a users password.
deluser     Delete a user from a host
dmesg       Get the last 25 entries from dmesg
getfile     Download a file
psaux       Runs ps aux|grep on provided input
putfile     Upload a file from your local machine. putfile:localfile.tar.gz,/remote/dest
rchmod      Run a recursive chmod on a directory
reboot      Reboot a server
restart     Restart a service
rsync_dir   rsync a directory to another
status      Check service status ouput
tailfile    Tail -25 a file,such as a logfile. Use the /full/path/to.file
targz       Creates a .tar.gz of a directory. Enter the full path.
uptime      Get server uptime
useradd     Add a user to a host.
wget        wget from a url into /home
ziparchive  Create a .zip archive of a directory. Enter the full 

Example usage

Example usage of utilizing command without options

fab -H my.server.com aptupdate

Utilizing a function with passable options

fab -H my.server.com psaux:systemd
[my.server.com] ps aux returned:
root          1  0.3  0.0 191796  4512 ?        Ss   Jun20 316:32 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 21

Other usage

For more on basic usage with Python Fabric,please visit the official documentation at http://www.fabfile.org/