
NucleiFuzzer is a Powerful Automation tool for detecting XSS, SQLi, SSRF, Open-Redirect, etc.. Vulnerabilities in Web Applications

🔍 NucleiFuzzer 🔍

💀 Credit : 0xKayala

🧰 Tools included:

➊ ParamSpider 
➋ Nuclei 
➌ Fuzzing Templates

⚙️ Installation:

⦿ git clone https://github.com/0xKayala/NucleiFuzzer.git
⦿ cd NucleiFuzzer
⦿ sudo chmod +x install.sh
⦿ ./install.sh
⦿ nucleifuzzer -h

❄️ Usage:

⦿ After installation just type nucleifuzzer and hit Enter. it will ask for a domain.
⦿ Enter the domain address
⦿ Now it will collect parameters and then start fuzzing.

📷 Screenshots:


nuclei fuzz

🔴 Nucleifuzzer saves output to the ~/output directory as domain_name.txt format