
Infected version: winrar <= 6.22 have 0 day vulnerability which can lead to RCE in Windows.

⚡⚡ Winrar 0-day RCE (Remote Code Execution) Exploitation

⚡ CVE-2023-38831

Infected version: winrar &lt;= 6.22 have 0-day vulnerability which can lead to RCE in Windows Machine.

💥 pic 1 : executing the payload which is binded in the ssh_pentest.pdf file.

 My Winrar software version is 5.61

pic1 correction

💥 pic 2 : Got shell Access of the Windows machine


python cve-2023-38831-exp-gen.py ssh_pentest.pdf rev_script.bat poc.rar

💀 Credit : https://github.com/b1tg