
Hearthstone 炉石传说 Hearthbuddy 炉石兄弟


Hearthstone 炉石传说
Hearthbuddy 炉石兄弟

存储炉石兄弟 Store Hearthstone Hearthbuddy


✔可以使用的版本 can use versions --suixin

+ 怒风3.27版Hearthbuddy,Stormrage 3.27 Hearthbuddy version
+ 怒风版Hearthbuddy_04.11V版,Stormrage Hearthbuddy_04.11V version

The first time instructions: Download unzip open Hearthbuddy.exe, prompt expired ,just enter q confirm, open again ,under unzip contents have HB机器码.txt open it,use KeyGen, copy machine code click transform, copy activation code , DefaultBot battle mode choose 自动, modify卡组名称 click start

+ 卡卡版HB限酒馆战旗,kaka version only Tavern Chess
Instructions: copy machine code click transform, enter activation code, 配置-版本-游戏模式-玩家对战模式,change game mode to Tavern Chess mode, click 开始

+ 多版本机器码注册机KeyGen,左边选项从上到下折腾贴吧版,云聘版,卡卡版,怒风版 中间上面机器码,下面激活码  
Multi-version machine code registrar , Left option from top to bottom 折腾版,云聘版,kaka,Stormrage, Above machine code and below activation code  
使用方法:使用需要码的版本,复制机器码点转换,输入激活码,确定。use need code version, copy machine code click transform, copy activation code ,sure.  

不要连续使用太长时间,会被检测到,虽然通常会掉线。Don't use it for too long continuously, it will be detected, although it usually leaves game.
曾经在这游戏里互相投降就是互相胜利。Once in this game mutual surrender is mutual victory.
在游戏之外打牌。Play card outside of the game.

版本相关问题 version related questions


Stormrage 3.27 version change time can use , new 4.17 version can't use KeyGen code
Stormrage versions like integrated version, Stormrage versions tactics in .exe file can't change ,no card in Silverfish\cards, reserved Cards tactics exist


Stormrage 3.27 version basically before the rope appeared end round
Stormrage 3.27 version open and have a Pop-up window, change start Hearthbuddy time to 2021.3.27

Change ai calculation interval, modify Main MsBetweenTicks to less 15, InputEventMsDelay to less 30

- 云聘版旧版本被要求更新,新版本不能用注册机的旧码
- 云聘 old versions are asked for update , new version can't use KeyGen code

🚫不建议使用的版本 Not suggested to use versions --suixin

- 2021.4.1折腾版,炉石兄弟贴吧,需要激活码 2021.4.1 version Use machine code
- 2021.4.1折腾版需要覆盖20210109折腾版,need use 2021.4.1 version over 20210109 version
- 20210401折腾版,炉石兄弟贴吧,20210401 version,相当于完整2021.4.1折腾版,不需要覆盖,需要激活码 like complete 2021.4.1 version, no need over and use machine code

- 我删除2021.4.1折腾版和20210401折腾版,I delete 2021.4.1 version and 20210401 version
- 贴吧版本被关闭,提示版本关停,不可用 tieba 2021.4.1 version closed, prompt version shutdown,unavailable
- 原本ai计算就全在本地运算,贴吧版的多了云端验证
- 打开兄弟时会访问gitee上预留的一个json文件。共2个值,一个控制是否进入,一个控制显示公告。抓个包就能看到。

- Original ai calculate locally, tieba 2021.4.1 version use cloud verification
- When open 2021.4.1 version Hearthbuddy will check a .json file in gitee.com. Two values, one value control can or can not enter, the other control show announcement.

整体策略 total tactics


小小不哭的故事的2021.1.1 Routines新
小小不哭的故事的2020.12.18 Routines旧
2021.1.1 Routines新奥秘法会用非公平游戏和同时期的卡,DefaultBehavior选rush,2021.1.1 Routines新 Secret Mage can use unfair game and same period card, DefaultBehavior choose rush

留牌策略 Reserved Cards tactics

可能的新版本 maybe new versions

2019.8.17(无壳),来自maxiori,没有DNGuard壳 No DNGuard Shell,可以反编译,Can be decompiled 需要更新,need to be updated
github搜索maxioriv,github search for maxioriv

旧版本 old versions

20210109折腾版,炉石兄弟贴吧,20210109 version
炉石兄弟修复版2020-5-17,需要输入地址对应验证,2020-5-17 version
奥秘法2020.1.17,Secret Mage 2020.1.17 version
整合版2020.10[3.2.7601.15205],使用策略需要码,Integrated version 2020.10[3.2.7601.15205] version

旧版本修改建议来自别人 old versions modify suggestions from others

一是卡组的信息,原来有个isWild字段表示卡组是否为狂野卡组,现在改成了一个枚举类型,有经典 狂野 标准三种值
二是游戏模式定义,以前也是一个bool值表示是否为狂野,另外还有一个bool值表示是否为休闲模式。现在同样改成了一个枚举值,有经典 狂野 标准 休闲四个值。


April 2021 Hearthstone: Forged in the Barrens. Modified mode selection. No longer available old versions

其它方法 Other methods

If have not Hearthbuddy, no plan b? Android simulator, simulate click ,Hardware macro Software macro, ahk, proxy run etc.


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