AnyCable Demo
Sample application demonstrating AnyCable concept.
AnyCable allows you to use any WebSocket server (written in any language) as a replacement for built-in Ruby ActionCable server.
With AnyCable you can use channels, client-side JS, broadcasting - (almost) all that you can do with ActionCable. You can even use ActionCable in development and not be afraid of compatibility issues.
- Ruby ~> 2.3
- PostgreSQL >= 9.4
- Redis
- hivemind (optional)
- macOS (optional, compile anycable-go yourself in case you run the demo in other OS)
NOTE: MacOS Sierra has a problem with gRPC.
Usage with Docker
You can use Docker to run the application with AnyCable server (Go version).
Simply run docker-compose up
and you'll be able to access the application on http://localhost:3000
Usage without Docker
To launch AnyCable version:
# Run dev server
# Run specs
make test
This runs 3 processes:
- Rails Web app
- Rails RPC server (GRPC)
- Go Websockets server
To launch AnyCable version with ErlyCable you should set ERLYCABLE_DIR
env variable first (or provide when running commands) pointing to ErlyCable repo path (i.e. /my/path/to/erlycable
ErlyCable also requires Erlang >=18.0 and rebar3.
# Run dev server
hivemind Procfile.erly
# Run specs
make test-erl
This runs 3 processes:
- Rails Web app
- Rails RPC server (GRPC)
- ErlyCable server (as
rebar3 shell
To launch plain Rails version:
# Run dev server
rails server
# Run specs