Rust: my rust blog

This code runs my terrible blog. I used it to build something with rust.


  • An updated rust version (runs with 1.43.0 for sure)

Run the webapp

In order to run your sadraskol blog, follow these steps:

  • Write your post in posts/---.sad
  • Run cargo run preview

You can run cargo test for unit tests.

Design principle

For this blog I use a single design principle: no javascript, minimal css, maximal bullshit.

This explains the src/ and highlight module which are used to render code highlighting in the backend. This is a highly inefficient implementation but my blog isn't popular enough to be a problem.

note: This blog is definitely an overkill solution. I advise you to consider hugo or Gatsby if you want to run a proper blog.


This code uses a modified version of pulldown_cmark under MIT License: Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Bracher. All rights reserved.
This work is available under MIT License