
Simple Playbook to Copy SSH Keys to Remote Systems

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a simple playbook that copies your public SSH keys to remote systems, you could use this either with a public key already on the system or specify the password via the -e parameter below.



  • Clone Ansible repository
git clone https://github.com/sadsfae/ansible-sshkeys
cd ansible-sshkeys
  • Add the names of your servers to the inventory file under the servers inventory group.
vi hosts
  • By default this will copy id_rsa.pub found in your local user home directory where you run Ansible.

  • Add any additional public SSH keys as needed

    • copy (append) your pubkey to install/roles/sshkeys/files/authorized_keys
cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> install/roles/sshkeys/files/authorized_keys

Running the Thing

  • Run playbook, pass -e "ansible_ssh_pass=PASSWORD" for the default root password.
ansible-playbook -i hosts install/sshkeys.yml -e "ansible_ssh_pass=PASSWORD"
  • Alternatively, if you already have your public key on remote systems but want to copy a bunch of other keys then just run ansible-playbook without the -e parameter.