Vue & Go Simple To-Do List App


  • 1- Todo item can be added
  • 2- Todo list can be listed


Tech Stack

  1. Vue
    1. axios (API calls)
    2. unit tests (vue-test-utils)
    3. e2e tests (puppeteer cucumber)
    4. consumer driven contract test
  2. Nginx (Web server)
  3. Docker && Docker-Compose
  4. Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline(CI)

Tests used in the project


Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Run your unit tests

yarn test:unit
yarn test:pact

How to Run?

Docker must be installed and running already

Run on command line docker-compose up in the root project folder

Frontend side will work on 8080 port you can access it too

sample: localhost: 8080


you can reach frontend -