Auto Installation of LAMP

Primary LanguageShell

To install the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack using the script from https://github.com/saeed205/LAMP/blob/main/install_lamp.sh, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Script: You can download the script directly from the GitHub repository. Either click on the "install_lamp.sh" file in the repository and then click on the "Raw" button to view the raw content, or use wget command to download it directly:

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saeed205/LAMP/main/install_lamp.sh
  2. Make the Script Executable: After downloading the script, make it executable using the following command:

    chmod +x install_lamp.sh
  3. Run the Script: Execute the script as root or with sudo privileges:

    sudo ./install_lamp.sh

    If you're not logged in as root, you'll be prompted to enter your sudo password.

  4. Follow the Prompts: The script will guide you through the installation process and may prompt you for additional information such as MySQL root password or WordPress database details if applicable. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

  5. Verify Installation: After the script finishes executing, verify that the LAMP stack components (Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) are installed and running correctly by accessing your server's IP address or domain in a web browser.

  6. Additional Configuration (if needed): Depending on your requirements, you may need to configure Apache virtual hosts, MySQL databases, or PHP settings further.

  7. Security Considerations: Ensure that you follow best practices for securing your LAMP stack, such as configuring firewalls, setting up SSL/TLS certificates for HTTPS, and implementing strong passwords.

That's it! You have successfully installed the LAMP stack using the provided script.