
A collection of example UDFs for Amazon Redshift.

Primary LanguagePLpgSQLOtherNOASSERTION

Amazon Redshift UDFs

A collection of stored procedures and user-defined functions (UDFs) for Amazon Redshift. The intent of this collection is to provide examples for defining useful functions which extend Amazon Redshift capabilities and support migrations from legacy DB platforms.

Stored Procedures

Each procedure is allocated a folder. At minimal each procedure will have a <procedure_name>.sql file which you may use to deploy the procedure. Optionally, it may contain a README.md file for instructions on how to use the procedure and additional files used for test the procedure.


Each function is allocated a folder. At minimal each function will have the following files which will be used by the deployFunction.sh script and testFunction.sh scripts:

  • function.sql - the SQL script to be run in the Redshift DB which creates the UDF. If a Lambda function, use the string :RedshiftRole for the IAM role to be passed in by the deployment script.
  • input.csv - a list of sample input parameters to the function, delimited by comma (,) and where strings are denoted with single-quotes.
  • output.csv - a list of expected output values from the function.


Python UDFs may include the following additional file:

  • requirements.txt - If your function requires modules not available already in Redshift, a list of modules. The modules will be packaged, uploaded to S3, and mapped to a library in Redshift.


Lambda UDFs may include the following additional file:

  • lambda.yaml - [REQUIRED] a CFN template containing the Lambda function. The lambda function name should match the redshift function name with '_' replaced with '-' e.g. (f-upper-python-varchar). The template may contain additional AWS services required by the lambda function and should contain an IAM Role which can be assumed by the lambda service and which grants access to those additional services (if applicable). In a production deployment, be sure to add resource restrictions to the Lambda IAM Role to ensure the permissions are scoped down.

  • resources.yaml - a CFN template containing external resources which may be referenced by the Lambda function. These resources are for testing only.

  • package.json - (NodeJS Only) If your function requires modules not available already in Lambda, a list of modules. The modules will be packaged, uploaded to S3, and mapped to your Lambda function. See f_mysql_lookup_nodejs for and example.

  • index.js (NodeJS Only) your javascript handler code. See f_upper_nodejs for and example.

  • pom.xml - (Java Only) Lists out dependencies as well as the name of your handler function. See f_upper_java for and example. See Maven Documentation for more details on writing a pom.xml file.

  • src/main/java/function/Handler.java - (Java Only) your java handler code. See f_upper_java for and example.


SQL UDFs do not require any additional files.

Deployment & Testing

Located in the bin directory are tools to deploy and test your UDF functions.


This script will orchestrate the deployment of the UDF to your AWS environment. This includes

  1. Looping through modules in a requirements.txt file (if present) and installing them using the libraryInstall.sh script by uploading the packages to the $S3_LOC and creating the library in Redshift using the $REDSHIFT_ROLE.
  2. If deploying a nodeJS lambda UDF, using package.json to run npm install packaging the code and uploading the zip file to the $S3_LOC.
  3. If deploying a Java lambda UDF, using pom.xml to run mvn package packaging the code and uploading the jar to the $S3_LOC.
  4. If deploying a lambda UDF, using lambda.yaml to run aws cloudformation deploy and build the needed resources.
  5. Creating the UDF function in Redshift by executing the function.sql sql script. If deploying a lambda UDF, replacing the :RedshiftRole parameter.
./deployFunction.sh -t lambda-udfs -f "f_upper_python(varchar)" -c $CLUSTER -d $DB -u $USER -n $SCHEMA -r $REDSHIFT_ROLE

./deployFunction.sh -t python-udfs -f "f_ua_parser_family(varchar)" -c $CLUSTER -d $DB -u $USER -n $SCHEMA -r $REDSHIFT_ROLE -s $S3_LOC

./deployFunction.sh -t sql-udfs -f "f_mask_varchar(varchar,varchar,varchar)" -c $CLUSTER -d $DB -u $USER -n $SCHEMA


This script will test the UDF by

  1. Creating a temporary table containing the input parameters of the function.
  2. Loading sample input data of the function using the input.csv file.
  3. Running the function leveraging the sample data and comparing the output to the output.csv file.
./testFunction.sh -t lambda-udfs -f "f_upper_python(varchar)" -c $CLUSTER -d $DB -u $USER -n $SCHEMA

./testFunction.sh -t python-udfs -f "f_ua_parser_family(varchar)" -c $CLUSTER -d $DB -u $USER -n $SCHEMA

./testFunction.sh -t sql-udfs -f "f_mask_varchar(varchar,varchar,varchar)" -c $CLUSTER -d $DB -u $USER -n $SCHEMA

Contributing / Pull Requests

We would love your contributions. See the contributing page for more details on creating a fork of the project and a pull request of your contribution.

Pull requests will be tested using a Github workflow which leverages the above testing scripts. Please execute these script prior to submitting a pull request to ensure the request is approved quickly. When executed in the test enviornment the RedshiftRole will be defined as follows. You can create a similar role in your local environment for testing.


Redshift Role

For Lambda UDFs, These privileges ensure UDFs can invoke the Lambda Function as well as access the uploaded *.whl files located in s3.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:s3:::<test bucket>/*"