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Installing Maximo Application Suite 8.x on a private OpenShift Container Platform cluster

This repository is part of an AWS Workshop, IBM Maximo Application Suite 8.x on AWS. For detailed instructions please follow the workshop.


IBM Maximo is a commercial off the shelf (COTS) licensed software. You will need the below prior to proceeding with the installation.

  • An IBM Container registry key, aka. IBM Entitlement key that allows you access to download necessary container images for the installation.
  • A MAS License Entitlement file that is generated from the IBM License Key Center which provides access to use MAS applications.
  • A RedHat Cloud console account and pull secret allowing you to install and configure an OpenShift Container Platform instance.

It is assumed that the audience following the workshop has a Level 100-200 knowledge of RedHat OpenShift and IBM Maximo.

The following set of instructions have been tested with the following Product versions:

  • RedHat OpenShift Cluster 4.10.18
  • Maximo Application Suite 8.4
  • AWS RDS MS SQL 2019

Deploying the AWS infrastructure (using AWS CloudFormation)

To deploy the AWS infrastructure that hosts the Private OCP cluster in a AWS Commercial cloud region, Click on Launch Template in Commercial Cloud To deploy in a AWS GovCloud(US) cloud region, Click on Launch Template in AWS GovCloud(US)

The CFN stack along with all the nested stacks deploys the below architecture infra-deployed-by-cfnstack

  • Once deployed login to Bastion Host and download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) here and connect to the MSSQL RDS instance. Use SQL server Authentication and use the admin credentials to login to the RDS instance.
  • Create a new user maximo under Security>Logins and set a password.
  • Create a new database and call it maxdb80. Set the initial database size as 500MB for the PRIMARY Filegroup and allow increments of 1MB. For this workshop leave log file size unchanged.


  • Right click the maximo user and click Properties. Select User Mapping and click on the checkbox beside maxdb80 and select db_owner for Database role membersh p for: maxdb80 in the bottom panel of the dialog and hit OK.


Deploying a IBM OCP Private Cluster

Follow the below steps by doing an ssh to PrivateEc2 instance and running the below scripts as root. i.e.

sudo su -

Deploying a new OCP cluster

./ibm-mas-on-aws/scripts/deploy_cluster.sh "S3_BUCKET_NAME" "CLUSTER_NAME" "BASE_DOMAIN"
Parameter Description
S3_BUCKET_NAME The S3 bucket that will host the License file, Pull Secret and other configuration files as mentioned in the Pre-Install steps
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the OCP cluster that will be created
BASE_DOMAIN The Name of the base domain that will be used to create the Route53 Hosted Zone. e.g. example.com

Creating an RWX storage class

The Alert Manager requires an RWX (Read Write Many) storage class. Follow the commands to create an RWX storage class.

./ibm-mas-on-aws/scripts/create_efs_rwx_sc.sh "CLUSTER_NAME" "BASE_DOMAIN"
Parameter Description
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the OCP cluster that will be created
BASE_DOMAIN The Name of the base domain that will be used to create the Route53 Hosted Zone. e.g. example.com

Pending updates using OpenShift client

./ibm-mas-on-aws/scripts/pending_oc_updates.sh "BUCKETNAME" "CLUSTERNAME" "BASEDOMAIN"
Parameter Description
BUCKETNAME The S3 bucket that will host the License file, Pull Secret and other configuration files as mentioned in the Pre-Install steps
CLUSTERNAME Name of the OCP cluster that will be created
BASEDOMAIN The Name of the base domain that will be used to create the Route53 Hosted Zone. e.g. example.com

Deploying the Maximo Application Suite on OpenShift Cluster

./ibm-mas-on-aws/scripts/deploy_mascore.sh "IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY" 
Parameter Description
IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY Name of the OCP cluster that will be created
UDS_CONTACT_EMAIL Email address of the User Data Service contact
SLS_LICENSE_ID The License ID in the License Key file

Generate JBDC URL and apply

./ibm-mas-on-aws/scripts/gen_mas_jdbc.sh "MAS_JDBC_USER" "MAS_JDBC_PASSWORD" "MAS_JDBC_URL" "S3URI_CERTPEM_FILE"
Parameter Description
MAS_JDBC_USER Maximo Database user name. e.g. maximo
MAS_JDBC_URL JDBC Connection String for the Maximo DB. See link for various JDBC URL samples. E.g. for RDS JDBC URL - jdbc:sqlserver://RDSDNS:1433;databaseName=DBNAME;encrypt=true. This URL is also available in RDS stack CFN output as JDBCConnectionString
S3URI_CERTPEM_FILE S3 URI for the PEM file for the Database

Deploy Maximo Manage Application in MAS

./ibm-mas-on-aws/scripts/add_maximo_manage.sh "IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY"
Parameter Description
IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY Name of the OCP cluster that will be created

At this point you should have Maximo Manage deployed into Maximo Application Suite. Follow the next steps in the AWS workshop to configure Maximo Manage.


In order to cleanup, we will first remove the EFS filesystem that was created and then destroy the OpenShift cluster.

Remove Deletion protection from RDS Instance

Access the RDS console and select the RDS instance created by the CFN Template. Click on Modify and uncheck the checkbox Enable Deletion Protection and then click on Apply immediately.

Removing the EFS Filesystem

./ibm-mas-on-aws/scripts/delete_rwx_efs.sh CLUSTER_NAME
Parameter Description
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the OCP cluster that will be created

Destroying the OCP Cluster

/root/install-dir/openshift-install destroy cluster --dir /root/install-dir/ --log-level=debug