The service

I am gonna implement a RESTful API that provides the following two basic functionalities to retrieve movie metadata from a content catalogue.

The data used for this comes from two sources:

  • To simplify this, we use the static json files in ./movies as our content catalogue.
  • OMDb movie metadata can be retrieved as follows:
    •<imdb movie id>&apikey=<apikey>&plot=full
    • use the following API key: 68fd98ab (Limited to 1000 requests per day)
    • see for details

Getting enriched movie metadata (title, description, ..)

The first task is to merge movie metadata from our systems with movie metadata from the Open Movie Database (OMDb).

  • Calling GET /api/movies/:id should return a JSON object representing the merged movie object.
  • :id is an alphanumeric value that can either refer to OMDb movie ids or our internal ids.
  • When merging the two objects with the same fields (i.e. both JSON objects have a title / Title), it depends on the name of the field, which metadata should be used.
  • The following rules apply, with capitalized field names (i.e. Title vs title) always referring to OMDb data
    • Title overwrites title
    • Plot overwrites description
    • duration overwrites Runtime
    • userrating will become part of Ratings, applying a similar logic than Ratings currently has
    • Director, Writer and Actors should be transformed from String to an String[]
  • Fields not covered by any of these rules should be merged into the resulting JSON in a normalized way
  • If fields are unclear, make reasonable assumptions and choose your implementation accordingly

Search movies in our catalogue

We want to be able to search movies in our catalogue. To that end, we implement a simple search that returns a movie object if all search terms are true. A search term is a query param in your REST call in the form of <search_field>=<search value>

  • If no search term is provided, return all movies
  • Search terms are case-insensitive
  • Search is performed on the merged json objects of movies
  • If <search_field> is of type Number or String in the movie metadata, the search matches if the values are equal, i.e. ?title=Sin City matches 3532674.json
  • If <search_field> is of type Array in the movie metadata, the search matches if the <search value> is contained in the array, i.e. ?director=Frank Miller matches 3532674.json / the corresponding OMBd object
  • Calling GET /api/movies?<search_field>=<search value> should return a JSON array representing all movies that match the search criteria


In order to compile and run the project, after cloning it from the repository, run the following command:

npm install

npm run devStart

This command should be used to launch the application in local-machine.

npm run build

This command builds compiles ts files to js files and puts them inside build folder.

npm run lint

This command prettifies and checks the source files styling.

npm run lint

This command runs all unit tests and creates code coverage reports inside coverage folder.


You can query data using the following end points: