

  • Apply Hough transform for detecting parametric shapes like circles and lines
  • Apply Harris operator for detecting corners.
  • Apply Active Contour Model for semi-supervised shape delineation.


  • Detect edges using Canny edge detector, detect lines and circles located in these images (if any) using Hough transform. Superimpose the detected shapes on the images.
  • Initialize the contour for a given object and evolve the Active Contour Model (snake) using the greedy algorithm. Represent the output as chain code and compute the perimeter and the area inside these contours.

Create two python files to organize your implementation

  • this will include your implementation for Hough transform for lines and circles (requirement 1).
  • this will include your implementation for Harris operator for corners detection (requirement 2)

Important notes:

  • You should implement these tasks without depending on OpenCV library or alike. However you can use the OpenCV Canny Edge Detector as preprocessing to Hough Transform.
  • Plagiarizing lines will not be tolerated.
  • You can start from the source code you delivered from the previous task so that you give your program a new version with new features so that by the end of the semester you will have your own application with multiple computer vision algorithms up and running. (optional)
  • Don't forget to upload the report via github.