
[WordPress] A Responsive WordPress theme built with Zurb's Foundation for Sites

Primary LanguagePHP

WP-Forge v6.3.1.1

Last Updated March 16, 2017

A WordPress theme built with Foundation for Sites (Foundation 6.3.0) from Zurb, the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. By combining WordPress and Foundation you get a resposive WordPress theme that makes creating websites fun and exciting again! Please view the CHANGELOG and README files before/after installation and/or update.


WP-Forge demo - Check it out.

Quick Start Guide

WP-Forge Quick Start Guide - A helpful guide to help you get your site up and running as quickly as possible.


WP-Forge Support Forums - If you if you run into issues, you can post your questions/issues there.

WP-Forge was built with the following tools

  • WordPress Theme Standards - A list of standards that all themes should be coded with set forth by WordPress.
  • WordPress Beta Tester - So I can use the latest bleeding edge nightlies of WordPress. This ensures WP-Forge is future proof.
  • WP-Test - An exhaustive set of test data that was developed over three years to measure the integrity of themes and plugins. Developed by [Michael Novotny] (http://manovotny.com/)
  • Debug Bar - a debugging menu added to the admin bar that quickly shows query, cache, and other helpful debugging information.
  • [Log Depreceated Notices] (http://wordpress.org/plugins/log-deprecated-notices/) - a plugin that helps you identify old WordPress API functions a theme or plugin is currently using so you can update to the newer methods.
  • Theme Check - a simple and easy way to test your theme for all the latest WordPress standards and practices.
  • Monster Widget - A widget that provides a quick and easy method of adding all core widgets to a sidebar for testing purposes.
  • Viewport Resizer - a handy bookmarklet that will load your site in a viewport the size of common devices. This is helpful in testing responsive design.
  • Screenfly – Responsive screen testing for monitors, tablets, smart phones, and more (personally one of my favorites).


Theme Customizer

WordPress introduced the Theme Customizer in 3.4. The customizer allows you to modify certain areas of a theme and preview those changes in real time before publishing. WP-Forge utilizes this built in customizer and allows you to make changes to many areas of the theme. Please read the information under Configuration in the README.txt file to learn more about the customizer in WP-Forge.


WP-Forge uses the version of jQuery bundled with WordPress and it is loaded in the header. This practice falls within the WordPress Theme Standards. You can do a search and find the information you need to use Google's version and load it in the footer if you wish.

Child Theme

I have created a WordPress child theme for WP-Forge called WP-Starter. If you prefer, you can also create your own child theme. You can learn how to do this over at the [WordPress Codex] (http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes)

Genericons 3.4.1

Includes the free WordPress icon set Genericons - Soon to be upgraded to Genericons Neue

Font-Awesome 4.7

Includes the free icon set Font-Awesome

Yoast SEO Plugin

Has built in support for breadcrumbs using the Wordpress SEO by Yoast plugin. The code is already added to all necessary files for you. Download the [WordPress SEO by Yoast] (http://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/) plugin.

Sites Using WP-Forge

The following sites are using WP-Forge and/or a combination of WP-Forge and [WP-Starter] (https://themeawesome.com/wordpress-child-theme/) - Be sure to look at the page source.


All of the components used in the creation of WP-Forge are licensed as follows:

This means WP-Forge is completely free to use and modify as you see fit.


ThemeAwesome.com, a site focused on building WordPress themes with both the Foundation for Sites 6.3 framework by [Zurb] (http://zurb.com/) and the Bootstrap framework.