pOOBs4 PS4 exploit for v9.0 + automatic gold hen on Raspberry PI with lan and a Relay attached to pin 4
This is just a repacked psOOBs4, as a flask package with the addition of automatic sending of GoldHEN. Some other small changes:
- Some magic numbers have been renamed (never looked at a PS4 bug before, and wanted to know wtf was going on)
- Some additional logging via HTTP requests (not massively useful as can't do a lot in critical section, but useful for kicking off goldenhen send)
All credit to the team behind pOOBs4
- Download Python and install it, ideally 3.10
- Install flask
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run app
python3 app.py
. Might need to run as root to bind to port 1337 - In the command line the IP address to navigate to will be printed e.g
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
- Navigate to port 1337 on that IP on your PS4
- Same as psOOBs4
- GoldHEN should be sent once the server detects success via log messages
- Try again
- If you're not running 9.00, the exploit won't run. You'll need to modify the template to match your version, or just remove the if/endif
To run this git project on your raspberry pi do as following:
- burn the raspbbery Pi`s OS image on a sd card.
- put a empty file named "ssh" on the boot dirve.
- Insert the sd card in your RPi
- config your RPi as allways (expand file system ...)
- update and upgrade the packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
- Open DHCPCD to setup the static IP address
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
- Copy the following to the file then Ctrl+X, Y, enter
# Example static IP configuration:
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
- Install dnsmasq to run DHCP Server
sudo apt-get install dnsmasq
if installation failed, retry again, if it dosent work then
cd /home/pi/Downloads
wget http://raspbian.mirror.axinja.net/raspbian/pool/main/d/dns-root-data/dns-root-data_2021011101_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i dns-root-data_2021011101_all.deb
- Config the DNSMASQ
sudo nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf
put this in it and then Ctrl+X, Y, enter
- Restart the service
sudo service dnsmasq restart
- Restart the RPi
sudo reboot
- Now you have ssh access to your RPi with the IP=
- If you connect your PS4 to this RPi, it will get IP address from the DHCP Server on RPi
These steps are from this refrence.
- create Service config file
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ps4jb.service
- Put this code in it then Ctrl+X, Y, enter
Description=My PS4 J
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/Downloads/pspack-flask/app.py > /home/pi/Downloads/pspack-flask/log.txt
- Change the service file permission to 644
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/ps4jb.service
- Now apply this service and enable to execute.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ps4jb.service
sudo systemctl start ps4jb.service
- Now service is ready to use.
- Other commands to manage the service is
- To Stop the app
sudo systemctl stop ps4jb.service
- To Check the status of the service
sudo systemctl status ps4jb.service
- To Restart the service
sudo systemctl reload ps4jb.service
Visual Studio Code with these extensions by Microsoft:
Add the following in .ss/config file
Host ps4jb
HostName ps4jb
User pi
or add the host manually.
First stop the service:
sudo systemctl stop ps4jb.service
Then run the following code to modify and see the results:
nodemon --exec python3 app.py --ext py,json,css,js,htm,html
after finishing the modification, press
to quit and run the following or reboot the device:
sudo systemctl start ps4jb.service