
A divide-and-conquer parallel SAT solver with machine learning based splitting heuristic.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

##### PaInleSS: A Framework for Parallel SAT Solvers #####

Authors:  Ludovic LE FRIOUX, Saeed Nejati
Contact: ludovic@lrde.epita.fr, snejati@uwaterloo.ca

===== Content =====

- painless-src:
   Contains the code of the framework
   - clauses:
      Contains the code to manage shared clauses.
   - working:
      Code links to the worker organization.
   - sharing:
      Code links to the learnt clause sharing management.
   - solvers:
      Contains wrapper for the sequential solvers.
   - utils:
      Contains code for clauses management. But also useful data structures.

- documents:
   Contains documentation about the framework.
   Only if it has been compiled.

- glucose:
   Contains the code of glucose 4 with some little changes.

- lingeling:
   Contains the code of lingeling with some little changes.

- mapleCOMSPS:
   Contains the code of mapleCOMSPS with some little changes.

- minisat:
   Contains the code of minisat with some little changes.

===== To compile the project =====

- In the PaInleSS home directory use 'make' to compile.

- In the PaInleSS home directory use 'make docs' to compile the documentation.

- In the PaInleSS home directory use 'make clean' to clean.

===== PaInleSS can act as state of the art solvers =====

- glucose-syrup : -solver=glucose -shr-sleep=500000 -shr-strat=1 -d=4

- hordesat : -solver=lingeling -d=7 -shr-sleep=1500000 -shr-lit=1500

- treengeling : -solver=lingeling -shr-strat=1 -lbd-limit=-1 -shr-sleep=500000