
Encoding different problems into Boolean satisfiability

Primary LanguageC++

SAT Encoding

Each folder contains codes for encoding some problems into Boolean satisfiability instances. The generated instances are in DIMACS format which is the default input format of modern SAT solvers.

The following is a high-level description of each folder, for more detailed description check out the README in each folder. To make each of the encoders, run the Makefile within that folder.

  • core: the encoder for the basic operations. Other encoders use it.
  • graph: Graph problems
    • total-coloring: Generates an instance of Total Coloring of a complete graph with the conjectured upper limit.
  • crypto: Cryptographic problems
    • sha1, sha256, md4: Generate preimage/collision attack instances of MD4, SHA-1 and SHA-256.
  • arith: Integer arithmetic problems
    • long: Long multiplication (elementary) style of a*b
    • mod: Modular multiplication of the form (a*b) mod (2^n-delta)
    • ppa: Parallel prefix addition