An integrated software solution for superspeciality clinics to connect between patients, doctors, and labs.
The authentication module deals with the admin, patient, doctor, and lab’s account creation, password reset, login, and logout.
The Patients module contains their pages, functionalities, and other basic data models.
This module deals with Doctors, and Laboratories. Contains their pages, functionalities, and other basic data models.
The executives module deals with the management of the system, and approval of doctors and laboratories.
The appointments module deals with management of appointments. It also supplies real-time information on time-slot availability
The payments module deals with the processing of payments for appointments. It stores required information related to payments as well.
The reports module deals with the generation of reports, especially creating lab reports, prescriptions, other relevant data storage as well.
This module deals with all video call related APIs, settings, keys, etc.
This module deals with all chat related APIs, settings, keys, etc.
Versioning: I am planning to use semantic versioning for the application backend as well as for the frontend. The structure is as follows: .. Major: Major changes in the code which is incompatible with previous code. Minor: Adding new features or changes Patch: Bug fixes, 'b' represents backend and 'f' represent forntend The versioning is mainly for developmental purpose. Since the versioning starting from 1.x.x, the urls starts with 'api'.
1.0.0: Working code (Not all features are tested)
- Executives can initiate chat with Staff, Doctors, and Labs.
- Doctor, Lab, Executive models changed to accommodate document url.
- Documents will be stored in S3 bucket, inside 'docs' library.
- Doctor, Lab, and Executive accounts require Approval from an existing Executive account.
- Time and time zone added to the generic API window.
- Changes made according to bugs raised by project partner in boarding week.
- Minor changes in the file, now the server is running with 'daphne backend.asgi:application' command.
- Installed new package for http2 and tls support.
- Patients now can cancel appointments. The amount will be refunded to the source.
- Executives cannot block themselves from the platform. No executives can block superuser from platform
I am using VSCode for my development and its integrated terminal. Any IDE and command prompt is enough. I have enabled 'autosave features'. So, 'save' won't be mentioned in the follwing instructions.
In terminal:
mkdir Remedy_v2_backend
cd Remedy_v2_backend
pipenv shell
pipenv install django
django-admin startproject backend .
Initialize a new git repository
git init
Create two file named '.env' and .gitignore
touch .env
touch .gitignore
Add .env to the gitignore file
Install 'Python-decouple' package
pip install python-decouple
Now copy the 'secret key from to .env file. In the .env file it should be something like the following:
SECRET_KEY = 'the_secret_key'
In the file, add the following lines:
from decouple import config
If having any issue with decouple, Select the proper interpreter in VS Code
Start new app for all modules
python startapp authentication; \
python startapp patients; \
python startapp doctors_and_labs; \
python startapp executives; \
python startapp appointments; \
python startapp payments; \
python startapp reports; \
python startapp video_call; \
python startapp chat;
Install psycopg to interact with PostgreSQL
pipenv install psycopg
Create a new db in PSQL add the credentials into the settings.
Add the following lines into to make the custom usermodel to be used for authentication.
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'authentication.Account
Install REST and CORS for django
pipenv install djangorestframework django-cors-headers
Install Python magic to validate files
pipenv install python-magic
Install simple JWT for access and refresh tokens
pipenv install djangorestframework-simplejwt
Install Razorpay for payment integration
pipenv install razorpay
Install pusher for chatting
pipenv install pusher
Install boto3 for AWS S3
pipenv install boto3
Install django-storages
pipenv install django-storages
Install pytz for Indian time zone
pipenv install pytz
Install uvicorn for ASGI server along with Gunicorn
pipenv install uvicorn
Install http2 and tls packages
pipenv install 'Twisted[http2,tls]'
Migrate the model to the database
python makemigrations
python migrate