
Primary LanguageSCSS


An integrated software solution for superspeciality clinics to connect between patients, doctors, and labs.


Module 1: Authentication

The authentication module deals with the admin, patient, doctor, and lab’s account creation, password reset, login, and logout.

Module 2: Patients

The Patients module contains their pages, functionalities, and other basic data models.

Module 3: Doctors and Labs

This module deals with Doctors, and Laboratories. Contains their pages, functionalities, and other basic data models.

Module 4: Executives

The executives module deals with the management of the system, and approval of doctors and laboratories.

Module 5: Appointments

The appointments module deals with management of appointments. It also supplies real-time information on time-slot availability

Module 6: Payments

The payments module deals with the processing of payments for appointments. It stores required information related to payments as well.

Module 7: Reports

The reports module deals with the generation of reports, especially creating lab reports, prescriptions, other relevant data storage as well.

Module 8: Video call

This module deals with all video call related APIs, settings, keys, etc.

Module 9: Chat

This module deals with all chat related APIs, settings, keys, etc.


I am using VSCode for my development and its integrated terminal. Any IDE and command prompt is enough. I have enabled 'autosave features'. So, 'save' won't be mentioned in the follwing instructions.

Initial setup

Create a project directory with name 'Remedy_v1' using terminal

mkdir Remedy_v1

Navigate into the newly created directory

cd Remedy_v1

Open VSCode

code .

Open the terminal inside VSCode and you should be able to see something like: local-machine's-name Remedy_v1 %

Django installation

Now install pipenv, a virual environment manager

pip install pipenv

Activate the virtual environment

pipenv shell

Install django

pip install django

Initialize a new git repository

git init

Create two file named '.env' and .gitignore

touch .env
touch .gitignore

Add .env to the gitignore file

Install 'Python-decouple' package

pip install python-decouple

Now copy the 'secret key from settings.py to .env file. In the .env file it should be something like the following:

SECRET_KEY = 'the_secret_key'

In the settings.py file, add the following lines:

from decouple import config

Create a django project called backend. This will contain all backend files

django-admin startproject backend

Navigate into the backend directory

cd backend

Start new app for all modules

python manage.py startapp authentication; \
python manage.py startapp patients; \
python manage.py startapp doctors_and_labs; \
python manage.py startapp executives; \
python manage.py startapp appointments; \
python manage.py startapp payments; \
python manage.py startapp reports; \
python manage.py startapp video_call; \
python manage.py startapp chat;\
python manage.py startapp api_v1

Now add all the apps into settings.py > installed apps section

Install psycopg to interact with PostgreSQL

pip install psycopg

Create a new db in PSQL add the credentials into the settings.

Add the following lines into settings.py to make the custom usermodel to be used for authentication.

AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'authentication.Account

Migrate the model to the database

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Install REST and CORS for django

pipenv install djangorestframework django-cors-headers 

Install Python magic to validate files

pip install python-magic

To whitelist the frontend request, add the following lines to the backend/settings.py


Create serializer for Account.

Create sample API to check whether they are working or not 'GET' and 'POST' views. This can be confirmed using REST's default page.

Postman is used to interact with the API from this point.

Install simple JWT for access and refresh tokens

pip install djangorestframework-simplejwt

Install Razorpay for payment integration

pip install razorpay

Install pusher for chatting

pip install pusher

Install boto3 for AWS S3

pip install boto3

Install django-storages

pip install django-storages


Created a new react app using:

npx create-react-app frontend

Then deleted .git file from the frontend directory, added necessory lines into the project's global .gitignore file.

Created assets, components, pages, routes, and store directories inside src directory. Another 'Common' directory inside the newly created componenets directory.

From frontend directory, install react-redux, redux, react router dom, react-bootstrap reactstrap, bootstrap. I have installed reactstrap and react-bootstrap. This is not necessory. I have started with reactstrap, at one point of time, I felt it was limiting and installed react-bootstrap.

npm install react-redux redux react-router-dom reactstrap react-bootstrap bootstrap

Install SASS related dependencies, formik and yup for form state management

npm install sass-loader node-sass css-loader style-loader postcss-loader formik yup

For all 4 types of users, Login pages were added Register pages were added OTP pages were added

Header,Footer has been made. This will be used througout the patient facing pages.

Big cards and small cards were made. This will be shown in the landing page.

Doctor Specialties are hardcoded as of now.

Install react-table

npm i react-table

Install axios to send http request to backend and collect data

npm install axios

Install date fns for getting date related data

npm install date-fns

Install react toastify for pop-up messages

npm install react-toastify

Install razorpay package

npm install razorpay

Install .env to load keys directly from .env file

npm install dotenv

Install formik for form validation

npm install formik

Install react scrollbar

npm i react-perfect-scrollbar

Install Pusher for chat

npm install pusher-js

Install react drop-zone

npm install --save react-dropzone

Install JWT Decode for decoding accessToken

npm install jwt-decode

Install moment for time related actions

npm install moment

Thanks to:

Attributions: Profile icon: User icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Doctor prescription: Health illustrations by Storyset

Lab test selection: Analysis illustrations by Storyset

Doctor : Work illustrations by Storyset

Lab test: Analysis illustrations by Storyset

Online Doctor: Work illustrations by Storyset

Green successful tick: Correct icons created by kliwir art - Flaticon

Linkedin logo: Linkedin icons created by riajulislam - Flaticon

Github logo: Github icons created by riajulislam - Flaticon