
Traffic detection and notify C&C (prototype)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Traffic detection and notify C&C (prototype)


In this project(demo stage)
we have tried to detect the traffic in the simplest way
using city traffic cameras and inform the control center.

In this project, we have tried to detect the vehicles by using Yolo (You Only Look Once) architecture,
and we have informed the control center about the current state by considering
the current traffic volume in the desired route.
In this project, we have used
Yolo V9 ,
UDP protocol,
and the network has been defined locally

Getting Started


  • virtual environment

We need to run a separate virtual environment to install packages and run them, the following suggested code to create a .venv

 $ python -m venv .venv
 $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Executing program

Executing Program

  • Virtual Environment activate a virtual environment
 # linux bash
 $ source .venv/bin/activate
 # windows CMD
 > .venv\Scripts\activate
 $ python driver.py --help
 $ python server.py --help
 $ python videoController.py --help
  • simulator run just only test [debug mode : enable]
 $ python driver.py 0 0 --test --device cuda:0

Help. Code Usage



rename config.ini.example to config.ini
We use this to set some default settings

  • Traffic Camera
    • yoloVersion To determine the yolo version
      Params : yolov9e,yolov9t,yolov9s,yolov9m,yolov9c
    • confidence Sets the minimum confidence threshold for detections. Objects detected with confidence below this threshold will be disregarded. Adjusting this value can help reduce false positives.
      Params : float
  • Server
    • server IP IP address for connecting clients to the server
      Params : IPV4, IPV6
    • port Server Port number for connection
      Params : Port Valid number
    • backlogListenVal It specifies the number of unaccepted connections
      that the system will allow before refusing new connections
      Params : Integer Value (max : 100)
    • debug mode Enable debug mode and show system logs
      Params : True or False
[Traffic Camera]
yoloVersion = YOLO_VERSION
confidence = YOLO_CONFIDENCE

server IP = IP_ADDRESS
backlogListenVal = IntegerValue 
#It specifies the number of unaccepted connections
#that the system will allow before refusing new connections

debug mode = BOOLEAN VALUE | True or False



Starting the simulation and setting up the server and clients (cameras)

  • positional arguments
    • host IP address for connecting clients to the server
      Params : IPV4, IPV6 Default : Config.ini value
    • port Server Port number for connection
      Params : Port Valid number
      Default : Config.ini value
  • options optional values
    If these options are not selected, the default values will be replaced (the default values are in the description)
    • -h,--help show this help message and exit
    • -v,--yolov To determine the version of yolo
      Params : yolov9e,yolov9t,yolov9s,yolov9m,yolov9c Default : yolov9e
    • -yc,--yoloConf Sets the minimum confidence threshold for detections.
      Objects detected with confidence below this threshold will be disregarded. Adjusting this value can help reduce false positives.
      Params : float Default : 0.6
    • -tc,--trafficConf Sets the minimum confidence threshold for Traffic.
      Objects (vehicles) count with confidence below this threshold will be disregarded. Adjusting this value can help reduce false positives.
      Params : Integer Value (min : 3)
      Default : 8
    • -d,--detect labels for model detection
      using ms coco : MS Common Objects in Context
      Params : str list lables MS-COCO list , all,vehicles Default : vehicles
    • -c,--client Used to specify the number of clients (cameras) Params : Integer Value (min : 1)
      Default : 5
    • --test This flag is used for simulation testing (default values) Params : True or False Default : False | if call : True
    • --stream stream traffic camera real-Time Params : True or False Default : False | if call : True
    • --debug show CLI logs Params : True or False Default : False | if call : True
    • --device yolo gpu core or CPU Params : 0,1,2,3,cuda:0,cuda:1,cuda:2,cuda:3,cpu Default : cpu
 $ python driver.py --help
 > usage: driver.py [-h] [-v yoloVersion] [-yc yoloConf] [-tc trafficConf]
                  [-d [coco class name's ...]] [-c INT] [--test] [--stream]
                  [--debug] --device core
                  host port

   positional arguments:
     host                  Server Address for listening clients
     port                  port number
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     -v yoloVersion, --yolov yoloVersion
                           Yolo pre-Train Model version (default : yolov9e)
     -yc yoloConf, --yoloConf yoloConf
                           Yolo pre-Train Model confidence (default : 0.6)
     -tc trafficConf, --trafficConf trafficConf
                           traffic Max confidence (default : 8)
     -d [coco class name's ...], --detect [coco class name's ...]
                           detect all objects in ms-COCO or only vehicles
                           (example : vehicles person [etc.]], default =
     -c INT, --client INT  number of clients ,[default = 5]
     --test                flag for Enable defaults parameters run ::
                           1919 -v yolov9e, -c 5
     --stream              stream traffic camera real-Time
     --debug               flag for Enable Debug mode [show CLI logs]
     --device core         yolo gpu core or CPU [ex. cpu , cuda:0]



Running a server to receive data and connect clients

  • positional arguments
    • host IP address for connecting clients to the server
      Params : IPV4, IPV6 Default : Config.ini value
    • port Server Port number for connection
      Params : Port Valid number
      Default : Config.ini value
  • options optional values
    If these options are not selected, the default values will be replaced (the default values are in the description)
    • -h,--help show this help message and exit
    • --test This flag is used for simulation testing (default values) Params : True or False Default : False | if call : True
    • --debug show CLI logs Params : True or False Default : False | if call : True
 $ python server.py --help
 > [Server Running : CLI Mode]
   usage: Server [-h] [--test] [--debug] host port
   Server runner Script | run script for receive Camera Packets
   positional arguments:
     host        Server Address for listening clients
     port        port number

     -h, --help  show this help message and exit
     --test      flag for Enable defaults parameters run :: 1919
     --debug     flag for Enable Debug mode [show CLI logs]



Development act.

 # import library 
In [1]: from trafficCamera.runMain import Camera

In [2]: camera = Camera(serverIP='', portNumber=1919, yoloVersion='yolov9e',show=False,device='cuda:0',detecti
   ...: onLabels=['vehicles'],yoloConf=0.6,trafficConf=8,stream=False,DEBUG=True)
 Camera : convert class Names : ['bicycle', 'car', 'motorbike', 'aeroplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat']
 Camera : to
 Camera : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

++[new Camera object]++

 Camera : [server IP :]
[ Camera Port Number : 1919]
 Camera : [yolo Version : yolov9e.pt]
 Camera : [detection Labels : ['bicycle', 'car', 'motorbike', 'aeroplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat']]
 Camera : [detection : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
 Camera : [yolo conf : 0.6]
 Camera : [traffic conf : 8]



We use it to transfer and add videos used by clients (cameras)

  • positional arguments
    • source address video source address (folder or video name) Params : Path (String)
  • options optional values
    If these options are not selected, the default values will be replaced (the default values are in the description)
    • -h,--help show this help message and exit
    • -d,--dest video destination address folder (video folder) Params : Path (String) Default : '.' current folder
    • -f,--format find this formats in directory Params : .mp4,.mkv,other video format Default : .mp4
 $ python videoController.py --help
 > [ video controller Running : CLI Mode]
   usage: videoController [-h] [--dest destination address] --format format
                          [format ...]
                          source address

   video controller runner Script | run script for input controlling video for

   positional arguments:
     source address        video source address (folder or video name)

     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     --dest destination address, -d destination address
                           video destination address folder (video folder)
     --format format [format ...], -f format [format ...]
                           find this formats in directory [.mp4|.mkv|etc]


Contributors names and contact info

@Amir Reza

Version History

  • 0.1

    This version is only a prototype and a student project


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details