
base16 colorschemes for fzf

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This repository provides base16 colorschemes for fzf, a command-line fuzzy finder written in Go.

It is meant to be used along with the new implementation of the base16 colorscheme project, which proposes a modular approach by separating templates, schemes and builder into different repositories.

The themes are built using base16-builder-python.

Themes in base16-fzf work by appending --color options to your existing FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS environment variable.


Bash & Zsh

Source your favorite base16 colorscheme from the bash directory into your bash or zsh configuration file.


Source your favorite base16 colorscheme from the fish directory with the source command. This creates a global variable that will be persistent across shell sessions.


This repository includes a GitHub Action that builds the themes again. This keeps the themes up-to-date automatically.

However, when you commit your work, please run make so that the build directories remain in sync.


solarized-dark horizon-dark tomorrow oceanicnext
base16-fzf-solarized-dark base16-fzf-horizon-dark base16-fzf-tomorrow base16-fzf-oceanicnext