
Cell population-level evaluation of low-dimensional embeddings of labelled biological single-cell datasets

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ViScoreR is an R package which evaluates dimensionality reduction (DR) of single-cell data by comparing neighbourhood relations of labelled cell populations in the high-dimensional (HD) input data and the low-dimensional (LD) embedding, and between different LD embeddings. Each DR tool introduces artifacts. ViScoreR is a diagnostic tool that identifies them easily, so as to prevent faulty reasoning about data based on a misleading embedding. (If you're interested in unsubervised evaluation, we recommend the use of RNX curves instead.)

Our metrics are computed at a cell population level, rather than having a single score for an embedding.

The first tool we implement is the xNPE (Extended Neighbourhood-Proportion-Error), which is, roughly speaking, a shape distortion measure. It is based on the Neighbourhood Proportion Error. For each population (reference), the xNPE measures how the distribution of same-vs-differently labelled cells in the reference’s neighbourhood change, as we go from HD to LD. xNPE is intended for comparing shape distortions between different LD embeddings of the same HD data.

The second tool are NCPs (neighbourhood composition plots). They reveal which cell populations are represented in the near neighbourhood of a given population (reference), in HD data or in any given LD embedding of it. NCPs serve to identify sources of positional distortion.

See the Algorithms section below for more information.


To install ViScoreR, run the following code in your R session.


ViScoreR depends on tidyverse, available in CRAN, and emdist and BiocNeighbors, available on Bioconductor.


To view a 2-dimensional embedding of data, use ViScoreR::PlotEmbedding.

To compute K-nearest-neighbour graph for HD or LD data, use ViScoreR::ComputeKNN.

To compute the xNPE, use ViScoreR::xNPE. Then use ViScoreR::PlotLD to inspect the likeness distributions for specific populations and ViScoreR::PlotxNPE to contrast the xNPE values of multiple embeddings of the same HD data.

To compute neighbourhood composition for a chosen population in the HD data or any LD embedding, use ViScoreR::NeighbourhoodComposition. To plot the composition, use ViScoreR::PlotNC.

All plots are made with ggplot2, and as such can be modified (eg. to change font sizes or theme), combined with gridExtra or saved using the ggplot2::ggsave function.


Each ViScoreR exported function is documented. Use the ?ViScoreR::function_name syntax to view the help file for a function of interest.

Shekhar retina dataset case study

A short case study is shown in the poster.pdf file, using the Shekhar retina scRNA-seq dataset.

Shekhar_hd.RDS, Shekhar_annot.RDS, Shekhar_umap.RDS and Shekhar_tsne.RDS are pre-processed (PCA-reduced) HD data, cell annotation, UMAP embedding and t-SNE embedding RDS files, respectively. Use readRDS to load them



For a matrix of coordinates X, the K-ary neighbourhood of each point in X is found. The label for each respective identified neighbour are retrieved.

These neighbourhoods-per-point are then aggregated for each cell population. Thus, each cell population p of size Np has Np vectors of length K.

For each cell in each population p, we record the number of neighbours that come from the same population, out of all the K neighbours. Each population now has Np values (each between 0 and K). We record these values as a distribution (the likeness distribution, referring to the number of 'like' cells).

These likeness distributions are calculated for each population, using a matrix of HD coordinates XHD and a matrix of LD coordinates XLD. The xNPE score for a gives population is then the Earth mover's distance between its likeness distribution in HD and in LD.

The lower this value, the less distortion occurs in the process of the embedding.


For a select reference population p in a datasets (HD or LD), we look at the K-ary neighbourhood of each cell belonging to it. We constrain the search by ignoring points belonging to p or to any chosen 'unassigned'/debris population.

The relative share of cells from each population in the data in different neighbourhood ranges (by rank) in the K-ary neighbourhood of the reference is then computed.

We produce a stacked area plot, where the y-axis represents the share of cells from a population (stacked by population, so that it adds up to 1) and the x-axis represents a segment of the neighbourhood, aggregated by a step size (of 10, by default). (The plot is not cumulative along the x-axis.)