
Serverless S3 Thumbnails Generator

Primary LanguagePython

Serverless S3 Thumbnails Generator

A practical example using Python to deploy a service to generate thumbnails for images that interacts with S3 and publish an alert to SNS in case of failure/success.


  • Nodejs
  • Serverless
  • Python
  • Docker


To create the serverless for the first time

sls create -p sls-s3-thumbnails -t aws-python

To install python plugin for the first time

sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements

To create AWS credentials file in ~/.aws

sls config credentials --provider aws --key <access-key-id> --secret <secret> --profile <profilename>

To invoke function

sls invoke -f <function-name>

To show logs of a function

sls logs -f <function-name>

To tail logs of a function

sls logs -f <function-name> --tail


To install python packages in requirements.txt

npm install --save serverless-python-requirements

To package all the files & installed libraries

sls package

To deploy all serverless functions and resources to AWS

sls deploy -v --email <Your-email>
sls deploy -v --stage <Your-Stage-Name> --region <AWS-Region> --email <Your-email>

To deploy only the changed function code to AWS

sls update -v <function-name>

To remove all serverless functions and resources deployed to AWS

sls remove 
sls remove --stage<Your-Stage-Name> --region <AWS-Region>
