
First of all, in order to use our h2 database properly, in our BankApi/src/main/resources/ file We should set spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update to spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create in the first place. so the database will create the tables once and then we can act on these created tables

After performing this operation, repeat the expression spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update we should change it to

now we can start our project. When we log in to the http://localhost:8080/h2-console/ url address, we can see the previously created tables and the values that exist in these tables.






If we want to add customers, we need to use a post method as I have shown in the image. image

The result of this method returns us.


and when we examine the customer table in our h2 database, we see that our data has been added. image

the same operations are as follows for update delete image image

image image

Here are the steps to apply for a loan:


The credit request information created by this method is listed under the credit table. image

In order to list the results of the existing applications, we should follow the path in the example below. image