You will find a Blue Topaz example vault (the TIPS vault) here. The TIPS vault shows some theme-specific and novel usages which may help you polish or customize your notes.
And I still recommend you the enhanced edition ( created by @cumany, if you are not satisfied with the TIPS vault.
感谢@cumany 制作的升级版示例库
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A blue theme for Obsidian. Blue Topaz is not a precious gem, like obsidian😜. Generally, Blue Topaz is obtained by artificially treating colourless topaz. Likewise,I did not make this theme from scratch, but modified it after borrowing others' themes. It is like Blue Topaz, which is a modified product. Thus, thanks for the all shared themes, which inspired me indeed! BTW, For the word "colourless topaz", there is no offence and no comparison. And it is not a metaphor. I will be glad if you enjoy the theme, Blue Topaz.
强烈建议安装Style Settings插件,用来自定义你的Blue Topaz It is highly recommended to install the style settings plugin to customize your Blue Topaz theme
中文:霞鹜文楷,免费开源,下载地址: 觉得喜欢的话,也请给这个项目星星。加粗字体请使用霞鹜文楷屏幕版(因为霞鹜文楷的加粗不是很明显)
I appreciate the help and support from @boninall @成雙醬 @Cuman @Klaas @lillian-who @shaggyfeng @Thinkbond @, and other cool guys who love Blue Topaz!