• 🧛‍♂️ How to create a dark0mode enabled app and use vector assets.
  • 📝 Learn to use the UITextField to get user input.
  • 👨🏻‍💼 Learn about Swift Protocols and the Delegate Design Pattern.
  • 🗝 Swift guard keyword.
  • 🧮 Swift computed properties.
  • 🤾🏻‍♂️ Swift closures and completion handlers.
  • 👋 Learn to work with APIs by making HTTP requests with URLSession,
  • 🧬 Parse Json with native JSONDecoder.
  • 💻 Learn to use computed properties, closures and extensions.
  • 🙇🏻‍♂️ Learn to use Grand Central Dispatch to fetch the main thread.
  • 🗺 Learn to use Core Location to get the GPS data..

Condition Codes

switch conditionID {
        case 200...232:
            return "cloud.bolt"
        case 300...321:
            return "cloud.drizzle"
        case 500...531:
            return "cloud.rain"
        case 600...622:
            return "cloud.snow"
        case 701...781:
            return "cloud.fog"
        case 800:
            return "sun.max"
        case 801...804:
            return "cloud.bolt"
            return "cloud"