- Website Features
- Search for any games in the database
- View Game Trailer, Screenshots and Metacritic Score and link to Metacritic
- Add your own review
- Create a review
- Update your previous review
- Delete your review(s)
- User Authentication
- Signup for a new user account
- Log in with your existing one
- JSON Web Token is used for secure authentication system.
- Search for any games in the database
- Angular 11 was used to developed the front end.
- For UI design, Angular Material Design pattern was followed.
- Angular Flex was also used alongside with bootstrap 5 for responsive experience.
- NodeJS and ExpressJS was used for backend server.
- MongoAtlas was used as NOSQL database management.
- Morgan was used for monitoring the server.
- Mongoose was used to manage the database.
- A REST API was created using Express Router
- For game data, public API was used.
- Heroku was used to deploy the website
- Express generator was used to create a template then it was changed to support our APIs.
- Main development repository: https://github.com/ornob39/Gamepedia_Project
- Deployment repository for Heroku: https://github.com/ornob39/Gamepedia-Server
- Website URL : https://gamepedia-1.herokuapp.com/