
A simple and easy to handle react form state and validation library

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Formash is a simple React form library that uses hooks and schema to manage form state, errors, validation and so much more. Now you don't need to write a lot of code to manage your forms. You Just need to write a schema, pass it to the useForm hook and render your formSchema. and you are good to go. It is designed to be flexible and easy to use. You can use it with any UI library.



npm i formash


yarn add formash


Formash provides the useForm hook, which takes a form schema as an argument and returns an object with various properties and functions to manage form state. Here's an overview of the available variables and functions:


The formSchema is an array of objects that define the form fields. Each object represents a form field and contains properties such as name, type, error, value, and more. You can use the formSchema to render the form fields in your React components. Here are the available properties for each schema object:

Property Type Description
type (required) string The type of the input field (e.g., 'text', 'select', 'checkbox').
name (required) string The name of the input field.
id string The ID of the input field.
required boolean Indicates whether the input field is required.
placeholder string The placeholder text for the input field.
className string The CSS class name for the input field.
style React.CSSProperties The inline style for the input field.
label string The label text for the input field.
labelClassName string The CSS class name for the label element.
text string Additional text to display with the input field.
textClassName string The CSS class name for the additional text element.
icon string The name of the icon to display with the input field.
iconClassName string The CSS class name for the icon element.
options Array An array of options for 'select', 'checkbox', or 'radio' type inputs.
accept string The file types accepted by the input field.
value any The value of the input field.
error string The error message for the input field.
readOnly boolean Indicates whether the input field is read-only.
disabled boolean Indicates whether the input field is disabled.
autoFocus boolean Indicates whether the input field should be focused on render.
multiple boolean Indicates whether multiple options can be selected.
pattern string The pattern for input validation.
autoComplete 'on' 'off'
spellCheck boolean Indicates whether spell checking is enabled.
step number The step value for numeric input fields.
formTarget '_self' '_blank'
alt string The alternative text for the input field (used for image inputs).
validation (value: any, formValues: IFormValues, formSchema: IFormSchema[]) => string | undefined A custom validation function for the input field.
trim boolean Indicates whether leading and trailing whitespace should be removed from the input value.


useForm : It's a hook that takes formSchema as an argument and returns an object with the following properties: |

Values Description
formValues An object that contains the values of the input fields.
The key is the name of the input field and the value is the value of the input field.
formErrors An object that contains the errors of the input fields.
The key is the name of the input field and the value is the error of the input field.
handleChange A function that takes an event as an argument and updates the value of the input field.
doValidate A function that takes no arguments and validates the input fields.
It returns a boolean value that indicates if the form is valid or not.
Call this function before submitting the form.
handleReset A function that takes no arguments and resets the form values and errors.
setFormValue If you want to set the form value from the outside, you can use the setFormValue function.
It takes two arguments. The first argument is the name of the input field,
and the second argument is the value that you want to set.
setFormError If you want to set the form error from the outside, you can use the setFormError function.
It takes two arguments. The first argument is the name of the input field,
and the second argument is the error message that you want to set.
setFormData Let's say you have a form for updating a user information.
If you want to show the previous information in the form,
you can use the setFormData function to set the form values.
It takes an object as an argument. The key is the name of the input field,
and the value is the value that you want to set.

Basic Usage

import { useForm } from 'formash'

const formSchema = [
    type: 'text',
    name: 'name',
    value: '',
    label: 'Name',
    placeholder: 'Enter your name',
    error: 'Please enter your name',
    required: true,
  // Add more fields as needed

const Form = () => {
  const { formValues, formErrors, handleChange, doValidate } = useForm(formSchema)
  const handleSubmit = e => {
    const isValid = doValidate()
    if (isValid) {
      // Handle form submission logic here
  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      {formSchema.map(item => {
        return (
          <div key={item.name}>
            <label htmlFor={item.name}>{item.label}</label>
            <div> {formErrors[item.name]} </div>
      <button> Submit </button>

Additional Input Types

How to use with select input

import { useForm } from 'formash'

const formSchema = [
    value: '',
    name: 'menu',
    label: 'Menu',
    type: 'select',
    required: true,
    error: 'Please select your favorite menu',
    placeholder: 'What is your favorite menu?',
    options: [
        label: 'Pizza',
        value: 'pizza',
        label: 'Burger',
        value: 'burger',

const Select = () => {
  const { formValues, formErrors, handleChange } = useForm(formSchema)

  return (
      {formSchema.map(item => {
        return (
            <select name={item.name} onChange={handleChange} value={formValues[item.name]}>
              <option selected>{item.label}</option>
              {item.options?.map(option => {
                return (
                  <option key={option.name} value={option.value}>
            <div> {formErrors[item.name]} </div>

How to use with input checkbox type

Note: to checked the checkbox, you need to check the option value in formValues[item.name] array

import { useForm } from 'formash'

const formSchema = [
    value: [],
    name: 'hobbies',
    required: false,
    label: 'Hobbies',
    type: 'checkbox',
    error: 'Please select your hobbies',
    placeholder: 'What is your hobbies?',
    options: [
        id: 'football',
        label: 'Football',
        value: 'football',
        id: 'cricket',
        label: 'Cricket',
        value: 'cricket',

const CheckBox = () => {
  const { formValues, formErrors, handleChange } = useForm(formSchema)

  return (
      {formSchema.map(item => {
        return (
            {item.options?.map(option => {
              return (
                <div key={option.name}>
                  <label htmlFor={option.id}>{option.label}</label>
            <div> {formErrors[item.name]} </div>

How to use with input radio type

Note: to checked the radio, you need to compare the option value with formValues[item.name] if they are equal then it will be checked

import { useForm } from 'formash'

const formSchema = [
    value: '',
    type: 'radio',
    name: 'gender',
    label: 'Gender',
    required: false,
    error: 'Please select your gender',
    placeholder: 'What is your gender?',
    options: [
        id: 'male',
        label: 'Male',
        value: 'male',
        id: 'female',
        label: 'Female',
        value: 'female',

const Radio = () => {
  const { formValues, formErrors, handleChange } = useForm(formSchema)

  return (
      {formSchema.map(item => {
        return (
            {item.options?.map(option => {
              return (
                <div key={option.name}>
                    checked={formValues[item.name] === option.value}
                  <label htmlFor={option.id}>{option.label}</label>
            <div> {formErrors[item.name]} </div>

How to use with input file type

Note: with file input type, you don't need to set the value attribute. It will be set automatically when you select the file.

import { useForm } from 'formash';

const formSchema = [
    value: '',
    type: 'file',
    name: 'avatar',
    required: true,
    label: 'Avatar',
    accept: 'image/*',
    placeholder: 'Enter your avatar',
    error: 'Please enter your avatar',

const InputFile = () => {
  const { formValues, formErrors, handleChange } = useForm(formSchema)

  return (
      {formSchema.map(item => {
        return (
          <div key={item.name}>
            <label htmlFor={item.name}>{item.label}</label>
          <div> {formErrors[item.name]} </div>

Using useReadFile Hook

The useReadFile hook is designed to read file data and provide it as a base64 encoded string. This is particularly useful when you want to display a preview of image files before uploading them.

import { useReadFile } from 'formash'
const FileInput = () => {
  const { file, setFile } = useReadFile()
  return (
      <input type="file" onChange={e => setFile(e.target.files[0])} />
      {file && <img src={file} />}

How to validate the form

The doValidate function is used to validate the form. It returns a boolean value: true if the form is valid and false otherwise. Make sure to call this function to obtain form errors.

import { useForm } from 'formash'

const formSchema = []

const Form = () => {
  const { doValidate } = useForm(formSchema)

  const handleSubmit = () => {
    const isValid = doValidate()
    if (isValid) {
      // do something

  return <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> </form>

How to set the form value from outside

The setFormValue function allows you to set form values programmatically. Provide the name of the input field as the first argument and the desired value as the second argument.

const { setFormValue } = useForm(formSchema)
setFormValue('email', 'someone@gmail.com')

How to set data from the server to the form

The setFormData function is useful when you need to populate the form with data fetched from the server. It takes an object as an argument, where the keys represent input field names, and the values are the corresponding values to be set.

const { setFormData, formValues } = useForm(formSchema)
useEffect(() => {
  const fetchData = async () => {
    const response = await fetch('api/user')
    const data = await response.json()
    // data = { name: 'John', email: 'john@gmail.com' }
}, [])

How to set the form error from outside

While useForm handles form validation and sets errors automatically, you may manually set form errors with the setFormError function. Provide the input field name as the first argument and the desired error message as the second argument.

const { setFormError } = useForm(formSchema)
setFormError('email', 'Please enter a valid email')

How to reset the form state

The handleReset function resets the form state, clearing both form values and errors.

const { handleReset } = useForm(formSchema)

let's see how to use with typescript

Formash provides TypeScript support with several helpful types:

  • IFormSchema: Used to create and map over your form schema.
  • IFormOption: Used with select, checkbox, and radio options.
  • IFormValues: Represents the form values.
  • IFormErrors: Represents the form errors.
import { useForm, IFormSchema, IFormOption } from 'formash';

const formSchema: IFormSchema[] = [];

const Form = () => {
  const { formValues } = useForm(formSchema);

  return (
      {formSchema.map((item: IFormSchema) => {
        return {item.options?.map((option: IFormOption) => {})}

Best Practices

  • Split your form elements into separate components and use them in your Form component.
  • Create a schema for your form and pass it to the useForm hook.
  • from useForm hook get the formValues and handleChange function to handle the input change.
  • map over the schema and render the form elements.
  • Use conditional rendering based on the type of form element within the map function.
  • You are done.
import { useForm } from 'formash'

const formSchema = []

const Form = () => {
  const { formValues, formErrors, handleChange } = useForm(formSchema)

  return (
      {formSchema.map(item => {
        if (item.type === 'select')
          return (

        if (item.type === 'textarea')
          return (

        if (item.type === 'checkbox')
          return (

        if (item.type === 'radio')
          return (

        if (item.type === 'file')
          return (

        if (item.type === 'file')
          return (
