

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#What we have done


  • Arduino has an MQ-3 sensor attached as well as an LED bar, button and buzzer.
  • Arduino connected to a c# console app which keeps a socket open with our public facing web service and accepts a request to make a reading and will pipe it back up.

##Web Service

  • Public facing service available at : http://drunkchecker.azurewebsites.net/
  • Serves up JSON
  • Offers the following base functionality:
  • Create/Update/Get a user.
  • Return all readings for a user.
  • Read arduino alcohol sensor for user.
    • Option for notifying the user's supervisor if you blow over a certain value it will text them to say you are drunk.
    • Option for sending a text to the user mobile number telling them to stop.
      • TODO : Hopefully will send abuse instead!!
      • Option for sending a text to the user's emergancy contact number.
    • Third party APIs
      • Ability to recieve a request for a donation to be made from a User. The charity is chosed randomally from those stored.
      • Ability to send an SMS message to a number (Used above for example)
    • Ability to recieve an SMS message (+447860033766)
    • "DONATE [EmailAddress]" will create a new donation which will allow you override one rejected service
    • "READ [EmailAddress]" will start a new read on the Arduino and will message you back the result.
    • TODO : Hopefully will accept an override for a user from their supervisor (To commit code for example)

##Client Git Hook

  • Polls the web service for a reading for the user and if they blow over then it will stop them from committing anything.
    • If they happen to get rejected for blowing over they have 2 options to be able to override the reading:
      • Donation via text to get their user unlocked for a commit.
      • Supervisor override via text will allow their next commit to go through.

##Chrome Extention

  • Allows a user to "login" or create a new User
  • Can control the following sites
    • Online Banking sites
      • Stop you from clicking anything until you take a reading. (It will start a reading for you)
      • If over it will bring up an overlay telling you to go to bed.
        • Facebook/Twitter * Stop you from posting tweet/status until you take a reading. (It will start a reading for you) * If over it changes the status/tweet box into a youtube video of "nope.avi" and stops it.
      • If you have the override flag active (Via donation)
      • TODO : Add the "notifyIce" to the ReadForUser calls to notify their ICE mobile.

##URL http://drunkchecker.azurewebsites.net/

###DrunkCheckResponse exposes success, value, user.

  • /Read Will return a DrunkCheckResponse object

  • /ReadForUser?id=[something] Will return a DrunkCheckResponse object

  • /ReadForUser?email=[something] &notifySupervisor=[something] Optional which will notify the users supervisor &textSelf=[something] Optional which will text yourself abuse. &notifyIce=[something] Optional whih will notify the emergacy contact

  • /Donate?id=[something] Allows a donation

  • /Donate?email=[something]

  • /ClockWork/SendSMS?recipientNumber=[something]&message=[something]

  • /ClockWork/ReceiveSms This is the end point for clockwork service to hit.

  • /User/CreateUser?name=[something]&email=[something] Will return a User object.

  • /User/GetUser?userId=[something] Will return a User object.

  • /User/GetUser?email=[something] Will return a User object.

  • /User/GetResultsForUser?userId=[something] Will return a Json array of Reading objects

  • /User/UpdateUser?userId=[something] Allow you to update the user. 3 optional params &email=[something] &mobile=[something] &supervisorId=[something]

##Levels of drunk
