
Vesting data converter and proofs generator.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Vesting data converter and proofs generator.

Guardian data converter, address resolver, and image loader. All images are scaled and converted to PNG.


Staging endpoints

List of guardians


Guardian images




Snapshot allocations


Production endpoints


Guardian images




Snapshot allocations





Deployment on staging can be started using Deploy Guardians action. Action runs only on main branch and can be started manually.


Deployment to production is done with Deploy All (Release) action. Action is triggered by publishing new release:

  1. Draft a release and tag it with vx.y.z version tag.
  2. Deployment action will be triggered for release.
  3. Ask devops to deploy data to production.


  • Place csv with guardian data under guardians/assets/guardians.csv.

  • Not all guardian images could be scaled to square dimensions without distorting the image. Separate versions of images were created and placed under guardians/assets/images for such guardians. This image collection should be extended if another guardian is added, that has long or wide image. Images from guardians/assets/images will be taken for a guardian during conversion instead of an image specified by a link.

  • Naming convention for image files under guardians/assets/images:

<guardian name>.png

Guardians CSV

Guardians csv file contains following fields

  • Guardian name
  • Description of reasons for becoming a delegate
  • Description of former contributions
  • Guardian address or ENS name
  • Image url
  • Start Date (UTC)
  • Submit Date (UTC)
  • Network ID
  • Tags

Guardians file structure

        "name": "guardian name",
        "address": "checksummed address",
        "ens": "ens name if available",
        "image" "(address_checksummed)_3x.png"
        "reason": "reason for becoming a delegate",
        "contribution": "former contributions"

Vesting Data


Deployment on staging can be started using Deploy Vestings action. Action runs only on main branch and can be started manually. Workflow input parameter chain_id must be selected before action can be started.


Deployment to production is done with Deploy All (Release) action. Action is triggered by publishing new release.

  1. Draft a release and tag it with vx.y.z version tag.
  2. Deployment action will be triggered for release.
  3. Ask devops to deploy data to production.


  • Place csv files with vesting data under vestings/assets/{chain_id}/{type}_airdrop.csv. Naming should be user_airdrop.csv for user airdrop and ecosystem_airdrop.csv for ecosystem airdrop (type is user or ecosystem).

Vesting csv

Vesting csv file contains following fields

  • Owner address
  • Vesting duration in weeks
  • Vesting start date (ISO 8601 Format)
  • Vesting amount in wei

Allocation file structure

Vesting file (--export allocations)

Contains all defined allocations for a specific address with proofs.

        "tag": "[user | user_v2 | ecosystem]",
        "account": "checksummed address",
        "chainId": chain id,
        "contract": "checksummed airdrop contract addres",
        "vestingId": "vesting hash",
        "durationWeeks": integer,
        "startDate": timestamp,
        "amount": "amount in wei",
        "curve": integer,
        "proof": [
Snapshot file (--export snapshot)

Contains all defined allocation. Proofs are not included.

            "tag": "[user | user_v2 | ecosystem]",
            "account": "checksummed address",
            "chainId": chain id,
            "contract": "checksummed airdrop contract addres",
            "vestingId": "vesting hash",
            "durationWeeks": integer,
            "startDate": timestamp,
            "amount": "amount in wei",
            "curve": integer

Setting up locally

Create python virtual environment

mkdir env
python -m venv env

Activate a virtual environment

source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install -f


Place guardians.csv under guardians/assets

Custom guardian images should be placed under guardians/assets/images

Make your infura project id available for guardian processing script

export INFURA_PROJECT_ID=<your infura project id>


Start guardian data processing by running

python import_guardians.py

Generated data will be placed under ../data/guardians

Guardians list: ../data/guardians/guardians.json

Guardian images: ../data/guardians/images/


Place vesting csv files for a network under vestings/assets/{chain_id}. Naming should be user_airdrop.csv for user airdrop and ecosystem_airdrop.csv for ecosystem airdrop.


Now exporter script can be used to parse vesting csv files, generate proofs, and export data to different formats: either one file for snapshot allocation data or multiple files that contain vesting data for an address. The aforementioned steps can be performed at once or separately.


cd vestings
python exporter.py --chain-id 1 --output-directory ../data/allocations --process-vestings --generate-proofs --export allocations

If you want to see all possible parameters

python vestings/exporter.py -h

Exporter will place generated files under {output_directory}/{chain_id}


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