
Code to build corpora from ClueWeb09

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Code accompanying alta2012-langidforlm

This repository contains code to reproduce experiments from the following paper:

Paul Cook and Marco Lui. langid.py for better language modelling. In Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 2012 (ALTA 2012), pages 107–112. Dunedin, New Zealand.

The paper is available from: http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/U/U12/U12-1014.pdf


Jan Pomikalek's implementation of BTE: http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/-xpomikal/cleaneval/bte-3.0/bte.py

langid.py: https://github.com/saffsd/langid.py

Onion: http://code.google.com/p/onion/

StanfordNLP tools: http://www-nlp.stanford.edu/

ClueWeb09: http://www.lemurproject.org/clueweb09/

SRILM: http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/

Building ClueWeb corpora

To build the ClueWeb corpora, first create a file containing the paths to the first 100 files in English ClueWeb. Then run

python extractvertcorporaforlangidexps.py FILE_OF_CLUEWEB_FILENAMES

(This takes a while...)

This creates 1 file per ClueWeb filename. The files are in vertical format (token-per-line), whitespace separated. The "en" files contain documents langid.py thinks are English, the "other" files contain other languages.

Cat the extracted files together in various combinations. For the paper we did the first 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 files, and just "en" and "en"+"other". (So we created 10 files in total.)

(If you just want an English corpus from ClueWeb, and don't care about reproducing our experiments, just cat all the "en" files into one file at this stage.)

The next step is to put the files just created through the rest of the corpus processing pipeline (to take care of deduplication, sentence splitting, tokenisation, and getting rid of sentences with really long tokens that seemed to trip up SRILM).

The path to the stanford NLP tools is hardcodede in wsvert2srilm.bash. The path to Onion is hard-coded in runonion.bash. You'll (probably) need to fix those accordingly, then run

wsvert2srilm.bash FILE

This script creates files in sentence-per-line format, with tokens separated by whitespace.

Language Modelling and perplexity calculation

We use SRILM to implement our language models and to compute perplexity. Model construction proceeds in several steps.

Token counts

The corpora are large enough such that ngram-count will not be able to operate on the whole corpus at once, so we split the corpora up, and then use srilm's make-batch-counts and merge-batch-counts. Below is a rough guide on how to do this, for more details see the SRILM documentation

# split each file into lines of 1000000 lines:
mkdir FILE.split; split -l 1000000 FILE FILE.split/part.

# do counting for each part using make-batch-counts:
mkdir FILE.counts; make-batch-counts <(find FILE.split -type f) 10 /bin/cat FILE.counts

# merge counts
merge-batch-counts FILE.counts

# build lms using `make-big-lm`
make-big-lm -name FILE.model -read FILE.counts -unk -lm FILE.lm

# compute perplexity
ngram -ppl TARGET -unk -lm FILE.lm

In the included file run_lms.sh is our code for computing the perplexity on each target data using each of the language models we trained. LMout2csv.py parses the SRILM stdout into a csv format more amenable to further analysis.

Sentence-level perplexity

We do calculations of perplexity at a sentence level as well. To do this using SRILM, the approach is as follows:

ngram -escape STARTDOC -ppl EVAL_DATA -unk -lm FILE.lm > EVAL_DATA.FILE_lm.sentppl

We include sentppl.py, a script to parse the raw STDOUT of the above type of SRILM command and produce a CSV format.

Finally, we compare the per-sentence perplexity of two LMs, computing a p-value using a t-test as well as a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. We provide a script comparesentppl.py to carry out this process, which again produces a CSV-format output.